John McCain's daring, historic (and splendid) decision to go with Sarah Palin as his running mate has electrified the nation, throwing the Democrat party and liberal journalists into a panic while, on the other hand, exciting Republicans and conservative independents like probably no other selection could have done.
Of course, we're pleased to say we had long desired that specific pick. Way back on February 1, Vital Signs Blog went on record as championing Mrs. Palin and we've done so ever since.
And yesterday, in the mad dash made by internet surfers to learn more about Sarah Palin, the hits on Vital Signs Blog by people were looking via search engines for posts and pictures of the Alaskan governor soared to unbelievable numbers --- about 175 x our usual rate! Those numbers were also aided by a reference to one of Vital Signs' posts by one of the internet's largest sites: the loopy, leftist Daily Kos.
And the numbers are again very high today.
Let's hope a few of those surfers will look around the site a bit and make a point to come back and visit again. We think that even those who disagree with our religious and political convictions will yet find in Vital Signs Blog a site that is interesting, honest, forthright, professional and certainly relevant to the cultural controversies of the day.
But let's get back to Sarah Palin.

As a special weekend entry, I'm listing below just a few of the insightful commentaries about Governor Palin and the new G.O.P. team that I've read yesterday and today. Enjoy.
* Noemie Emery's "What Palin Does" in The Daily Standard;
* the editors of NRO look at the Palin pick;
* Dennis Prager's interview with James Dobson in which the Focus on the Family leader admits that the choice of Palin is enough to get him to "pull the lever" for the Republicans in November;
* a revealing piece (and surprisingly positive, given it showed up in USA Today) about Palin's personality and values;
* Here's some terrific short pieces from NRO's The Corner from, respectively, Mark Steyn; Peter Robinson; Victor Davis Hanson; Andy McCarthy; Lisa Schiffren; Jack Fowler; again Victor Davis Hanson; and Mark Levin.

* The guys at Power Line were hoping Pawlenty would be McCain's choice and their initial response to Palin was a mild disappointment. But they're coming round as this post shows.;
* William Ruger's op/ed in the Anchorage Daily News that called for Palin as VP earler this month; and finally,
* Nat Hentoff's advocacy of Palin for VP from may 26th.