Wednesday, February 28, 2007
The Discovery Channel Digs Up An Old (And Imbecilic) Heresy
Brent Bozell III (and others he brings alongside) takes on the Discovery Channel and the absurdly unscientific, deliberately unhistorical game being played to deny the deity and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
An Opposition View Emerges from Belarus
Here is a hard-hitting, satirical documentary about the corrupt and woefully ineffective government of Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenka. It is a long piece (an hour and a half) but its use of English subtitles makes the points very clear -- and very sad for all who yearn for freedom and justice in Belarus.
The film most specifically deals with the opposition rally in Minsk last March following Lukashenka's rigged election but it also covers government suppresions of freedom, the actions of the KGB, the duplicity of the president, life and attitudes in the Belarus villages, and more. There's a bit of offensive language but those interested in what's really happening in Belarus should definitely watch this bold effort of independent filmmaker Yuri Hashchavacki.
Having myself been many times on the streets of Minsk where these compelling protests were filmed, I found this movie particularly profound and moving. But I think you will too.
The film most specifically deals with the opposition rally in Minsk last March following Lukashenka's rigged election but it also covers government suppresions of freedom, the actions of the KGB, the duplicity of the president, life and attitudes in the Belarus villages, and more. There's a bit of offensive language but those interested in what's really happening in Belarus should definitely watch this bold effort of independent filmmaker Yuri Hashchavacki.
Having myself been many times on the streets of Minsk where these compelling protests were filmed, I found this movie particularly profound and moving. But I think you will too.
Freedom Issues,
International Politics,
The Arts
Federal Judge: Homosexual Indoctrination "Prepares Students to Become Engaged and Productive Citizens"
From the Associated Press comes this: A federal judge on Friday threw out a lawsuit filed by parents who wanted to keep their young children from learning about gay marriage in school.
U.S. District Judge Mark Wolf said federal courts have decided in other cases that parents' rights to exercise their religious beliefs are not violated when their children are exposed to contrary ideas in school.
Schools are “entitled to teach anything that is reasonably related to the goals of preparing students to become engaged and productive citizens,” Wolf said in his ruling.
Tonia and David Parker of Lexington sued after their 5-year-old son brought home a book from kindergarten that depicted a gay family. Another Lexington couple joined the suit after a second-grade teacher read the class a fairy tale about two princes falling in love. Both couples claimed Lexington school officials violated their parental rights to teach their own morals to their children. They said they wanted to be notified before gay couples were discussed so they could remove their children from classrooms...
...David Parker said school administrators violated a state law requiring that parents get an opportunity to exempt their children from any curriculum that “primarily involves human sexual education or human sexuality.” But school attorney John Davis said the books did not focus on sex education, but merely depicted various families, including same-sex families...
U.S. District Judge Mark Wolf said federal courts have decided in other cases that parents' rights to exercise their religious beliefs are not violated when their children are exposed to contrary ideas in school.
Schools are “entitled to teach anything that is reasonably related to the goals of preparing students to become engaged and productive citizens,” Wolf said in his ruling.
Tonia and David Parker of Lexington sued after their 5-year-old son brought home a book from kindergarten that depicted a gay family. Another Lexington couple joined the suit after a second-grade teacher read the class a fairy tale about two princes falling in love. Both couples claimed Lexington school officials violated their parental rights to teach their own morals to their children. They said they wanted to be notified before gay couples were discussed so they could remove their children from classrooms...
...David Parker said school administrators violated a state law requiring that parents get an opportunity to exempt their children from any curriculum that “primarily involves human sexual education or human sexuality.” But school attorney John Davis said the books did not focus on sex education, but merely depicted various families, including same-sex families...
Hall of Shame,
National Politics,
The Courts
Jesus Loves Me: The Senior Version

Jesus Loves Me
Jesus loves me, this I know,
Though my hair is white as snow.
Though my sight is growing dim,
Still He bids me trust in Him.
Yes, Jesus Loves Me.
Yes, Jesus Loves Me.
Yes, Jesus Loves Me.
The Bible Tells Me So.
Though my steps are oh, so slow
With my hand in His I'll go
On through life, let come what may,
He'll be there to lead the way.
Though I am no longer young,
I have much which God's begun.
Let me serve Him with a smile,
With His Son, go every mile.
When the nights are dark and long,
In my heart He puts a song.
Telling me in words so clear,
"Have no fear, for I am near."
When my work on earth is done,
And life's victories have been won.
He will take me home above,
Then I'll understand His love
I love Jesus, does He know?
Have I ever told Him so?
Jesus loves to hear me say,
That I love Him every day.
Jesus loves me, this I know,
Though my hair is white as snow.
Though my sight is growing dim,
Still He bids me trust in Him.
Yes, Jesus Loves Me.
Yes, Jesus Loves Me.
Yes, Jesus Loves Me.
The Bible Tells Me So.
Though my steps are oh, so slow
With my hand in His I'll go
On through life, let come what may,
He'll be there to lead the way.
Though I am no longer young,
I have much which God's begun.
Let me serve Him with a smile,
With His Son, go every mile.
When the nights are dark and long,
In my heart He puts a song.
Telling me in words so clear,
"Have no fear, for I am near."
When my work on earth is done,
And life's victories have been won.
He will take me home above,
Then I'll understand His love
I love Jesus, does He know?
Have I ever told Him so?
Jesus loves to hear me say,
That I love Him every day.
Christian Teaching
Opposing the Exportation of Abortion

These words are from pro-life hero Chris Smith, Republican Congressman from New Jersey, as he addressed an audience at Pan-African University Aja in Lagos, Nigeria.
Here's the news story from (a bit slanted as can be expected but still of use) and over here is the Congressman's official memo dealing with his trip which, besides his talk at the University, was to deal with human trafficking and to help monitor U.S. assistance to help stop the spread of HIV/AIDS.
New York Times' "Puff Piece" on Frances Kissling

Frances Kissling, who for 25 years has led Catholics for a Free Choice, has angered some in her church with her advocacy for reproductive rights. But the name Ms. Kissling wears most defiantly, to the consternation of many religious believers, is Roman Catholic. For 25 years, as president of Catholics for a Free Choice, she has angered the church hierarchy and conservative Catholics by criticizing fundamental teachings on sex.
“I’m so Catholic, I can’t get away from it,” said Ms. Kissling, who was once in a convent. “How I construct concepts of life, of justice, it all comes out of being Catholic...”
The rest of this promotional piece on the hypocrite/heretic Ms. Kissling is more of the same...about what you'd expect from the New York Times who has yet to meet a Catholic dissident it doesn't like.
New Jersey Abortion Mill Closed for "Immediate and Serious Risk of Harm to Patients"
State health officials have shut down one of New Jersey's largest abortion centers after finding violations at an Englewood clinic that posed "immediate and serious risk of harm to patients." Metropolitan Medical Associates will remain closed until it corrects the deficiencies that prompted the closure, state officials said. State reports show the clinic performs more than 10,000 abortions a year.
The shutdown order cited problems "including but not limited to infection control, instruments, equipment used for sterilization of patient care use items and the processing of equipment." The Department of Health and Senior Services refused to release the detailed list of violations to the public until the clinic has an opportunity to dispute the findings and the state issues its final report.
An order to halt medical services is extremely rare. This is only the second time in the last five years that the department has closed one of the state's 619 ambulatory-care facilities for "deficient care," said health department spokesman Nathan Rudy. The state's two-day investigation of Metropolitan Medical was spurred by a complaint filed last week by Newark Beth Israel Medical Center after its emergency room treated a woman for complications following her abortion at the clinic, according to two sources close to the investigation. The hospital told the state it was concerned the abortion may have been done improperly, the sources said...
Of course, a business that involves the most gruesome, unnatural, and lethal exploitation of women and their preborn babies is hardly the place to expect strict adherence to health requirements. And so, happy as I am that any abortion center is shut down for awhile, the fact is that many more should be closed for violation of health and safety standards.
And as far as the New Jersey health officials' concern about "immediate and serious risk of harm to patients" -- duh...that's the very definition of what abortion clinics offer.
Read the rest of the news story about Metropolitan Medical here.
The shutdown order cited problems "including but not limited to infection control, instruments, equipment used for sterilization of patient care use items and the processing of equipment." The Department of Health and Senior Services refused to release the detailed list of violations to the public until the clinic has an opportunity to dispute the findings and the state issues its final report.
An order to halt medical services is extremely rare. This is only the second time in the last five years that the department has closed one of the state's 619 ambulatory-care facilities for "deficient care," said health department spokesman Nathan Rudy. The state's two-day investigation of Metropolitan Medical was spurred by a complaint filed last week by Newark Beth Israel Medical Center after its emergency room treated a woman for complications following her abortion at the clinic, according to two sources close to the investigation. The hospital told the state it was concerned the abortion may have been done improperly, the sources said...
Of course, a business that involves the most gruesome, unnatural, and lethal exploitation of women and their preborn babies is hardly the place to expect strict adherence to health requirements. And so, happy as I am that any abortion center is shut down for awhile, the fact is that many more should be closed for violation of health and safety standards.
And as far as the New Jersey health officials' concern about "immediate and serious risk of harm to patients" -- duh...that's the very definition of what abortion clinics offer.
Read the rest of the news story about Metropolitan Medical here.
Hall of Shame,
National Politics,
Surgical Abortion
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Grabbed by the Glitch
Omaha-area Qwest was hit yesterday by some kind of frenzied glitch, leaving almost a third of their customers who have "routers" (whatever that is!) without internet service. We are in that affected third so blogging will resume when our service is.
This informational alert is being typed for me by a friend in Sydney, Australia...well, okay, it's just me down at the local Kinko's.
Do you think Qwest will give us a reduction on our bill this month? Later...
This informational alert is being typed for me by a friend in Sydney, Australia...well, okay, it's just me down at the local Kinko's.
Do you think Qwest will give us a reduction on our bill this month? Later...
Monday, February 26, 2007
A Marine Prayer
Dick Wilson proudly served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1956 through 1962 and has been a firm and enthusiastic supporter of the Corps ever since. One of the ways he does this is by volunteering with the Omaha detachment of the Marine Corps League. In this service, Dick takes time from his work (he's still doing woodworking and construction at age 70) to do color guard duty at the funerals of fellow Marines.
Recently, while bemoaning yet again the vapid verses that so often adorn the funeral program (greeting card poems that lacked both theological backbone and a manly respect for the unique character of the Marine's service to his country), Dick decided to write something more relevant and meaningful.
I think you'll agree with me that he succeeded.

Recently, while bemoaning yet again the vapid verses that so often adorn the funeral program (greeting card poems that lacked both theological backbone and a manly respect for the unique character of the Marine's service to his country), Dick decided to write something more relevant and meaningful.
I think you'll agree with me that he succeeded.

A Marine Prayer
Almighty God, Father of the fatherless, now take me home.
I was what others could not be.
I went where others feared to go and did what others failed to do.
I asked nothing from those who gave nothing, but gave hope, security and freedom to all.
I have seen the face of terror; felt the stinging cold of fear and experienced the warm comfort of Your love and protection through it all.
I have enjoyed the sweet taste of life, comrades, love of country, Your guiding hand and word.
I have cried, failed, pained, loved and hoped. I have lived times others would say were best forgotten. But, what we are in life echoes into eternity.
I humbly offer that with Your guidance I have done my duty and lived with the grateful pride of what I am - A United States Marine.
Deep sea and sod for now hold our bodies, but You, O Lord, guard our souls until that final day when all stand before You guilty, and for those who believe, receive the gift of forgiveness and Eternal Life.
Almighty God, Father of Love, through the precious blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ, I pray You now take me home. For You have proven to be "Always Faithful."
Semper Fidelis
Almighty God, Father of the fatherless, now take me home.
I was what others could not be.
I went where others feared to go and did what others failed to do.
I asked nothing from those who gave nothing, but gave hope, security and freedom to all.
I have seen the face of terror; felt the stinging cold of fear and experienced the warm comfort of Your love and protection through it all.
I have enjoyed the sweet taste of life, comrades, love of country, Your guiding hand and word.
I have cried, failed, pained, loved and hoped. I have lived times others would say were best forgotten. But, what we are in life echoes into eternity.
I humbly offer that with Your guidance I have done my duty and lived with the grateful pride of what I am - A United States Marine.
Deep sea and sod for now hold our bodies, but You, O Lord, guard our souls until that final day when all stand before You guilty, and for those who believe, receive the gift of forgiveness and Eternal Life.
Almighty God, Father of Love, through the precious blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ, I pray You now take me home. For You have proven to be "Always Faithful."
Semper Fidelis
Christian Teaching,
Freedom Issues,
National Politics
Global Warming and Euro-Imperialism
Here's a very thoughtful, very effective article from James Lewis over on the American Thinker site which explores both from a historical and immediate context how imperialism works...and how Europe's latest incarnation of imperialism is the global warming scare. Good stuff.
UCLA Gets $1 Million for Promotion of "Sexual Orientation" Studies
The University of California-Los Angeles will establish a chair in sexual orientation law, using a donation of more than $1 million from a gay male couple.
The couple, John McDonald and Rob Wright, told the Los Angeles Times they hope some day to marry in California. The UCLA law school chair is described as the first endowed academic chair in the nation to specialize in sexual orientation issues.
The gift is intended to help fund the research of a professor at the school's Williams Institute on Sexual Orientation Law and Public Policy -- a 5-year-old think tank that investigates discrimination against gays, the U.S. military's don't ask-don't tell policy and other related issues.
"This is going to support legal scholarship, legal research and education that covers a whole area so fundamental to creating change," said McDonald, a retired businessman and attorney who earned his bachelor's degree at UCLA. "We just think this is one of the best things we've ever done."...
The couple, John McDonald and Rob Wright, told the Los Angeles Times they hope some day to marry in California. The UCLA law school chair is described as the first endowed academic chair in the nation to specialize in sexual orientation issues.
The gift is intended to help fund the research of a professor at the school's Williams Institute on Sexual Orientation Law and Public Policy -- a 5-year-old think tank that investigates discrimination against gays, the U.S. military's don't ask-don't tell policy and other related issues.
"This is going to support legal scholarship, legal research and education that covers a whole area so fundamental to creating change," said McDonald, a retired businessman and attorney who earned his bachelor's degree at UCLA. "We just think this is one of the best things we've ever done."...
National Politics,
Are the Democrats Courting Disaster?
With their recent criminally irresponsible votes on national security, the answer, of course, is yes -- but only if the electorate is told the truth about the effects of their shenanigans. And with the MSM (mainstream media) continuing its polluted partnership with the Democrat Party, that's a very big if.
This New York Post editorial summarizes a couple of the Dem's most egregious errors.
This New York Post editorial summarizes a couple of the Dem's most egregious errors.
Eliminating the Disability By Eliminating the Victim?

They say it is hostile to people with Down in particular and physically or mentally challenged persons generally.
The Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada is trying to avoid the debate about consequences. Media Officer Michael Haynes told theNational Catholic Register none of the organization’s spokespeople “will talk to you because they don’t want to get drawn into the abortion debate.”...
Here's the rest of the story.
The Jaundiced Eye of the New York Times
They say that the pen is mightier than the sword, and for that reason they also say to tread lightly while criticizing anyone with both a warehouse full of ink and the inclination to use it against you.
But such is not the case with The New York Times, which has so discredited and marginalized itself through across-the-board, overtly slanted liberal “journalism” that its proud pen no longer cuts so deep and its venomous ink has lost its sting. Rather than objectively measuring the events of our day as America’s journalistic plumb line, The Times has become America’s journalistic punch line...
But as the “Gray Lady” shaves her credibility cranium buck bare in a Britney-esque breakdown, it’s no wonder that her circulation continues to nose-dive. Her formerly proud status as America’s premier news source has been replaced by her seedy reputation as America’s premier political operative for the far left-wing of the Democrat party...
There are more examples of New York Times bias than there are fathers to Anna Nicole’s baby, but for the sake of clarity, let’s focus on one of the most recent...
Thus Matt Barber begins a trenchant tale of the Times' malicious slander against Concerned Women for America. You can read his column here.
And, by the way, Barber isn't a fellow to mess with. In addition to holding a Master of Arts in Public Policy from Regent University, Mr Barber is a writer and editor, an attorney (non-practicing), a jazz drummer, and an undefeated heavyweight professional boxer! If you want to read more of Matt Barber, you can find him at, Town Hall, and other conservative sites. Mr. Barber also serves (just since December) as the Policy Director for Cultural Issues at Concerned Women for America.
You may also remember Matt Barber from his being fired from Allstate Insurance Company simply for writing an article (from his own home and on his own time) defending traditional marriage. More on the story of his mistreatment by Allstate is briefly told in this article.
But such is not the case with The New York Times, which has so discredited and marginalized itself through across-the-board, overtly slanted liberal “journalism” that its proud pen no longer cuts so deep and its venomous ink has lost its sting. Rather than objectively measuring the events of our day as America’s journalistic plumb line, The Times has become America’s journalistic punch line...
But as the “Gray Lady” shaves her credibility cranium buck bare in a Britney-esque breakdown, it’s no wonder that her circulation continues to nose-dive. Her formerly proud status as America’s premier news source has been replaced by her seedy reputation as America’s premier political operative for the far left-wing of the Democrat party...
There are more examples of New York Times bias than there are fathers to Anna Nicole’s baby, but for the sake of clarity, let’s focus on one of the most recent...

And, by the way, Barber isn't a fellow to mess with. In addition to holding a Master of Arts in Public Policy from Regent University, Mr Barber is a writer and editor, an attorney (non-practicing), a jazz drummer, and an undefeated heavyweight professional boxer! If you want to read more of Matt Barber, you can find him at, Town Hall, and other conservative sites. Mr. Barber also serves (just since December) as the Policy Director for Cultural Issues at Concerned Women for America.
You may also remember Matt Barber from his being fired from Allstate Insurance Company simply for writing an article (from his own home and on his own time) defending traditional marriage. More on the story of his mistreatment by Allstate is briefly told in this article.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
A Quiet Sunday
A heavy snowfall has Omaha pretty much shut down this Sunday morning and Claire and I are enjoying the quiet, restful spirit it has brought to the neighborhood. After a long Saturday with Claire not feeling well...a very tough couple of hours sidewalk counseling in the cold, windy rain outside the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic...a harrowing ride home after last night's literary club meeting...and more, we're really grateful for such a peaceful time.
Ah, Sundays!
Friday, February 23, 2007
A Luis Palau Festival in Omaha!
The Luis Palau Heartland Festival is coming to Omaha this summer. Are you ready? Are you involved? Are you anticipating the Lord to move in our city in a big way?
Here's a video brochure that will give you some of the details.
Here's a video brochure that will give you some of the details.
Top 10 'Global-Warming' Myths
Here's another "keeper piece" that will amaze (and possibly dismay) your liberal, Katie Couric-loving friends. It is Christopher Horner's Top 10 'Global-Warming' Myths and you'll find it over at Human Events right here. Qick but very good material.
"Be Not Weary of Well-Doing"

In a poignant scene in the new film Amazing Grace, an exhausted William Wilberforce [pictured at left] collapses into the arms of his wife. The British MP is heartbroken over his failure to stop the slave trade. After years of struggle—of enduring political tricks, treachery, and deceit—he is ready to give up; the campaign seems utterly hopeless. But then a letter from an old friend reminds him that for the Christian who is fighting a great social evil, quitting is not an option.
The year was 1789—the year of the French Revolution. The mob and the guillotine ruled France, loosing a tide of bloodshed. Across the Channel, the British feared a similar revolt. Any type of public protest was linked to the revolutionaries who had ignited France’s Reign of Terror.
This had a damaging effect on abolition. As my former colleague Eric Metaxas writes in his new book, Amazing Grace, the ugly events in France “had created a backlash in the British political class. There was no question that they were now” developing a “distaste for reform and for abolition.” Sensing the shift in the public mood, the House of Commons rejected another motion to abolish the slave trade.

Weary with frustration, Wilberforce considered quitting his campaign. One night as he sat reading his Bible, a letter he had received years earlier, but which he had saved, fluttered from between its pages. It was from the great preacher John Wesley [picture at right]. Wilberforce re-read the familiar words. “Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of men and devils,” Wesley wrote. “But if God be for you, who can be against you? Are all of them together stronger than God? Oh, be not weary of well-doing.” “Go on in the name of God,” Wesley urged, “and in the power of His might.”
I have kept a copy of that same letter in my Bible for thirty years.
Christian Teaching,
Freedom Issues,
The Arts
What's Missing in Republican Speeches?

Looking across history’s arc of great Republican speeches, one finds that they all contain three key themes—three communicative “pillars”—that when combined create powerful and enduring messages that transcend time.
The first pillar is an unyielding espousal of individualism and self-sufficiency...
...The second communicative pillar upon which powerful Republican oratory rests is unflinching support for a strong military and national defense. Let’s face it, civil liberties are hard to exercise if one is dead; Republicans believe that security is the wellspring from which liberty flows. And that’s why great GOP speeches have often bulged with a military muscularity. Not arrogance, mind you. But a cool confidence so supreme in tone and definitive in delivery that it lands a clenched fist wrapped in a velvet glove across the chin of the former Soviet Union...
...And finally, the third communicative pillar that typifies soul-shaking Republican rhetoric is unapologetic support for Judeo-Christian morals and values. This pillar, more than any other, explains the current conservative dissatisfaction. From Lincoln to Reagan, a winning Republican message has almost always included a genuine and sincere connection to the Divine...
...The secret formula to Ronald Reagan’s most powerful speeches is that he showcased the three pillars found in the greatest Republican speeches in history. As Ronald Reagan’s chief political strategist and my former co-author, Dick Wirthlin, likes to say, “President Reagan knew how to persuade through reason and motivate through emotion.”
The Republican candidate who best communicates the three pillars of epic Republican speeches can close the eloquence gap and shape history.
Read the rest of this really terrific Wynton Hall column here.
Wyoming Legislators Bow to Pressure from Abortion Lobby
In Cheyenne, Wyoming, they're debating very sane, much-needed legislation that would provide some measure of justice for the unborn baby who is murdered when the mother that is carrying her is.
However, in bowing to pressure from pro-abortion nuts, the lawmakers have decided to strip from the bill the terms "unborn child" and "fetus."
Politics makes cowards. Politics also makes idiots.
And -- surprise, surprise -- the pro-abortion folks aren't satisfied. Fearing that protecting unborn kids in any way will remind people of the grisly, lethal realities behind "pro-choice" rhetoric, they've announced that they will still not support the legislation.
However, in bowing to pressure from pro-abortion nuts, the lawmakers have decided to strip from the bill the terms "unborn child" and "fetus."
Politics makes cowards. Politics also makes idiots.
And -- surprise, surprise -- the pro-abortion folks aren't satisfied. Fearing that protecting unborn kids in any way will remind people of the grisly, lethal realities behind "pro-choice" rhetoric, they've announced that they will still not support the legislation.
Despite the Law, India's Baby Girls Are Still Being Killed
The Indian government plans to set up a series of orphanages to raise unwanted baby girls in a bid to halt the widespread practice of aborting preborn babies that are determined to be girls.
"It is a matter of international and national shame for us that India ... still kills its daughters," Chowdhury [Renuka Chowdhury, minister of women and child development for the Indian government] said, adding, "What we are saying to the people is have your children, don't kill them. And if you don't want a girl child, leave her to us."
Despite 1994's Prenatal Determination Act, which bans the use of technologies such as ultrasounds and sonograms for the purpose of sex-selective abortion as well as prohibiting advertisements for prenatal sex determination, some 7,000 fewer girls are born daily in India than should be.
Click on the title of this post for a review of this matter by the Kaiser Network and click here for a related story from the International Herald Tribune.
"It is a matter of international and national shame for us that India ... still kills its daughters," Chowdhury [Renuka Chowdhury, minister of women and child development for the Indian government] said, adding, "What we are saying to the people is have your children, don't kill them. And if you don't want a girl child, leave her to us."
Despite 1994's Prenatal Determination Act, which bans the use of technologies such as ultrasounds and sonograms for the purpose of sex-selective abortion as well as prohibiting advertisements for prenatal sex determination, some 7,000 fewer girls are born daily in India than should be.
Click on the title of this post for a review of this matter by the Kaiser Network and click here for a related story from the International Herald Tribune.
Imagine a World Without the United States

John Malek sent over the link to this inventive, incisive video clip and I'm pleased to post it here.
Check it out and I'll think you'll agree it's a quick clip that others should see so pass the word. It is a unique way to help remind us all about what an incredible difference the United States of America has made for the modern world.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
BBC Report: Natural Family Planning Is As Effective as Pills (And Nobody Dies)
This news isn't surprising to the pro-life community, of course, but it certainly is a surprise to see it played almost fairly by the BBC. Read the story right here.
Birth Control,
Chemical Abortion,
Sharp Rise in Pregnancies (and Abortions) in U.K. Girls Under Sixteen
The answer isn't more money. It's simply more morality.
And until the culture 1) moves against the forces that encourage promiscuity and 2) begins to rebuild the virtues of modesty, responsibility, strong family relationships, and an embrace of religious values, we will have to face yet more tragedies like those described in this Telegraph story.
And until the culture 1) moves against the forces that encourage promiscuity and 2) begins to rebuild the virtues of modesty, responsibility, strong family relationships, and an embrace of religious values, we will have to face yet more tragedies like those described in this Telegraph story.
What Would the Chavez Power Grab Look Like If It Happened Here?

Among other things they envision, a Chavez-like takeover in the U.S. would equate to:
-- winning all 435 seats in the House and all 100 in the Senate, and packed the Supreme Court with nine sycophants that never rule against him;
-- asked his rubber-stamp Congress to let him legislate unilaterally including amending the Constitution, and 100% of the members of Congress voted for that;
-- decreed under these powers that he can run for re-election to the presidency for life;
-- plan to decree that cities and states will no longer be governed by elected mayors and governors, but by people's committees named by him;
-- owned or controlled all but a few TV and radio stations that either cover his endless speeches averaging 40 hours a week or risk losing their broadcast licenses;
-- created one political party and denied the rights of citizenship to recalcitrant members of opposition parties;
-- took over the Federal Reserve and spent the national Treasury as if it were a personal checking account;
-- funded his campaign with government money and publicly and repeatedly threatened government workers to vote for him or be fired;
-- dictated wages, prices, interest rates, profits, and currency exchange rates under the economic theory that he knows best...
And that's not all.
This is an important read.
How Went the Attempt to Rein in Renegade Anglicans?

“We came very close to separation,” said Archbishop Gregory Venables of this weekend’s meeting of global Anglican leaders, “but Biblical doctrine and behavior have been affirmed as the norms in the Anglican Church.”
It could have gone the other way, and for a time it looked as if it would. But, in the end, Anglican conservatives everywhere breathed a collective sigh of relief on reading the strongly worded statement issued unanimously by the Church’s thirty-eight primates, which bluntly called on the Episcopal Church—the province of the Anglican Communion in the United States—to reverse its course or face expulsion.
Of course, it remains to be seen whether or not the liberal American church will decide to comply. But by avoiding schism and enacting meaningful discipline upon one of its errant members, the Anglican Communion proved itself to be a reality with substance rather than the failed experiment many feared it had become. Today, concluded the theologian Philip Turner, “Anglicanism remains a credible expression of Catholic Christianity...”
Read the rest of this article here.
Christian Teaching,
False Religion,
The Engines of Global Warming
...The global-warming controversy is powered by three mighty engines, which are almost never recognized. The first is the natural human impulse to fear allegedly forthcoming disasters, especially if they are clothed in the raiments of scientific certitude. The media can be depended on to ferret out and wildly overhype any potential negative development that any so-called scientist is willing to predict and deplore. Remember "acid rain"?...
...The second engine (which was also influential in the flaps over acid rain and the ozone hole) is the traditional liberal hatred of "American corporations," which is mobilized whenever some new misfortune can be laid, however speciously, at their door. All sorts of manufacturing operations emit carbon dioxide, which are thus responsible for some uncertain part of the seven-tenths of one degree Celsius by which the earth's surface temperature rose in the 20th century. Actually, believe it or not, cows emit far more greenhouse gases (from their rear ends) than corporations do, but corporations are easier to hate than cows. So the ancient cry has gone up, "Stop the corporations!"
The third and final engine is, as you might expect, money. Do you have any idea how many billions of dollars the United States paid "scientists" (mostly in universities) last year to study this or that aspect of global warming? They are raiding this El Dorado with both hands, and you can imagine their attitude toward any colleague who dares to doubt their warnings....
The singularly sage William Rusher has more right here.
...The second engine (which was also influential in the flaps over acid rain and the ozone hole) is the traditional liberal hatred of "American corporations," which is mobilized whenever some new misfortune can be laid, however speciously, at their door. All sorts of manufacturing operations emit carbon dioxide, which are thus responsible for some uncertain part of the seven-tenths of one degree Celsius by which the earth's surface temperature rose in the 20th century. Actually, believe it or not, cows emit far more greenhouse gases (from their rear ends) than corporations do, but corporations are easier to hate than cows. So the ancient cry has gone up, "Stop the corporations!"
The third and final engine is, as you might expect, money. Do you have any idea how many billions of dollars the United States paid "scientists" (mostly in universities) last year to study this or that aspect of global warming? They are raiding this El Dorado with both hands, and you can imagine their attitude toward any colleague who dares to doubt their warnings....
The singularly sage William Rusher has more right here.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
ABC News Recognizes Abortion's Collision Course with Technology

Ken Shepherd, one of the faithful "watchmen on the wall" over at the Media Research Center, sent along this note to alert me to this remarkable development. Ken wrote...Just thought I'd pass along this blog item my colleague wrote about some surprisingly life-affirming news on ABC on February 20.
The colleague Ken refers to is Brent Baker of and the blog post concerns last night's ABC News coverage of the wonderful birth of Amillia at just 21-weeks old.
Anchor Charles Gibson teased: “A tiny miracle that raises big questions in the debate over abortion." Setting up his top story, Gibson acknowledged the impact on the abortion debate: “The fact that she has survived and grown to more than four pounds, and is about to go home, is a miracle, yes, but a miracle that may have an effect on the debate over abortion. And it may change what people think about life.”
Check out Brent's post right here. And thanks for the tip, Ken.
John Danforth Plays the Jimmy Carter Card Again

Thus, Danforth (an ordained Episcopal minister) describes how "appalled" he was to see Republicans try to use the courts to save Terri Schiavo and to pass a constitutional amendment to protect marriage. Such issues, including abortion, are "wedge issues" that divide people and are, in Danforth's mind, contrary to true religion.
''If religion is about reconciliation,'' argued Danforth in this interview, "then the job of Christians, and especially Christians in politics, is to de-emphasize the wedge issues.''
Uh...Senator Danforth...religion is indeed about reconciliation but reconciliation with truth, not an indifference to it! And, as Jesus made perfectly clear, truth is a sword of division, separating those who love His truth from those who would hide, ignore or even seek to destroy it.
Senator, I believe you know better. You know that Jesus Christ came to reconcile men to Himself by offering His death as payment for their sins. With that barrier broken down, we can have peace with God and peace with our fellow man. But never at the expense of truth. Jesus didn't ignore or eliminate the Law; He completed it.
God offers us His fellowship as we receive His offer of salvation through the blood of Christ and as we faithfully abide in His Word. Therefore, if we downplay priority biblical issues like the sanctity of life and marriage (those "wedge issues" that make you and Mr. Carter so uncomfortable), we are, plain and simple, disobeying God.
So, by all means, let Christians be as winsome, as patient and as persuasive as possible in dealing with those who disagree with us. But the policy that you, Mr. Carter and others would suggest American Christians follow; namely, refusing to accept our obligations to pray and work for the biblical truths so important to God, is unacceptable.
Planned Parenthood's New Pro-Abortion Cell Phone
Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) has announced the launch of a wireless service that actively connects consumers to the people and causes they care about.
The service, Planned Parenthood Wireless will provide an impressive 10% of revenues generated directly to PPFA, transforming a simple phone call into a personal act of support. Offering a unique wireless program that enables consumers to choose where their mobile phone dollars go without sacrificing quality service, Planned Parenthood Wireless features competitively priced individual and family plans, and popular cell phones loaded with key features. The service is handled exclusively by Working Assets, using the all-digital, nationwide Sprint® network1 that reaches more than 250 million people.
In every monthly bill, Planned Parenthood Wireless subscribers also will receive information about how they can get more politically involved, including a “Free Speech” offer of up to 30 free minutes of calls a month for members to speak out on women’s health issues...
The service, Planned Parenthood Wireless will provide an impressive 10% of revenues generated directly to PPFA, transforming a simple phone call into a personal act of support. Offering a unique wireless program that enables consumers to choose where their mobile phone dollars go without sacrificing quality service, Planned Parenthood Wireless features competitively priced individual and family plans, and popular cell phones loaded with key features. The service is handled exclusively by Working Assets, using the all-digital, nationwide Sprint® network1 that reaches more than 250 million people.
In every monthly bill, Planned Parenthood Wireless subscribers also will receive information about how they can get more politically involved, including a “Free Speech” offer of up to 30 free minutes of calls a month for members to speak out on women’s health issues...
Abortionist's Lies and Bad Medical Care On Trial in New Jersey Supreme Court
It's happening every day in Planned Parenthood offices and other abortion mills but rarely does it make the news. So, let's pray that justice is done in this case AND that more revelations will be forthcoming from the media of how unnatural, how dangerous, and how barbaric is abortion.
(Don't miss the part in the story where John Zen Jackson, the lead attorney defending the abortionist, argues that his client was in no place to make a value judgment if an abortion is killing a "living" thing. Sigh.)
(Don't miss the part in the story where John Zen Jackson, the lead attorney defending the abortionist, argues that his client was in no place to make a value judgment if an abortion is killing a "living" thing. Sigh.)
Most Americans Want to Win in Iraq

In a dramatic finding, a new poll shows a solid majority of Americans still wants to win the war in Iraq - and keep U.S. troops there until the Baghdad government can take over.
Strong majorities also say victory is vital to the War on Terror and that Americans should support President Bush even if they have concerns about the way the war is being handled, according to the survey conducted by Public Opinion Strategies.
The poll found that 57 percent of Americans supported "finishing the job in Iraq" - keeping U.S. troops there until the Iraqis can provide security on their own. Forty-one percent disagreed.
By 53 percent to 43 percent they also believe victory in Iraq over the insurgents is still possible.
Despite last November's electoral victories by anti-war Democrats, the survey found little support among voters for a quick pullout of U.S. forces. Only 25 percent of those surveyed agreed with the statement, "I don't really care what happens in Iraq after the U.S. leaves, I just want the troops brought home." Seventy-four percent disagreed.
The survey was conducted before last week's House of Representatives resolution repudiating Bush's war policies. But by 53 percent to 46 percent, Americans said Democrats are going too far, too fast in demanding troop withdrawals...
The Politics of the "I" Word

...The aggressively photogenic John Edwards was cruising along, detailing his litany of liberal causes last week until, during question time, he invoked the "I" word -- Israel. Perhaps the greatest short-term threat to world peace, Edwards remarked, was the possibility that Israel would bomb Iran's nuclear facilities. As a chill descended on the gathering, the Edwards event was brought to a polite close.
Support for Israel in the U.S. has lately become bafflingly multi-cultural, representing an alliance between diaspora Jews, traditional Zionists and evangelicals. Support from Christian zealots, who now represent about one third of Israel's tourist business, is welcomed even though, according to evangelical doctrine, Judgment Day will bring the ultimate destruction of Israel and death to most of its residents.
The Economist observed this week that "knee jerk defensiveness" of Israel ultimately will erode support for that country around the world, even among Jews. Only 17% of American Jews today regard themselves as "pro-Zionist," the magazine points out, and only 57% say that "caring about Israel is a very important part of being Jewish." And Jimmy Carter only exacerbates these mixed signals with his recent perorations that Israel must "give back" territories to the Palestinians.
Given that the Christian Right and neo-conservatives in this country seem more obsessed with Israel than the Jewish community, the "I" word is becoming a potentially lethal component of today's political dialogue...
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Memo to Tom Brady: Your Idea of "Fatherhood Pride" Is Sadly Deficient

Tom Brady may be a Super Bowl winner but his irresponsible "frolic then flight" approach to the sanctity of sexuality and his sad abandonment of a dad's duty to fully support mother and child (a fat checkbook doesn't replace a faithful father, Tom) makes him just another in a long line of deadbeat dads... a loser in life's most important game.
Hall of Shame,
The Real Global Warming: Russia Turns Up the Heat

KGB agents making headlines. Russian journalists turning up dead. Moscow applying pressure to Eastern Europe. If the latest events involving Russia aren’t the beginning of a new Cold War, they may be bringing a chill to the global political climate.
The latest temperature drop came yesterday, when Russian Gen. Nikolai Solovtsov directed a stern warning toward the Czech Republic and Poland — both of which expressed interest in hosting U.S. missile defense bases.
“If the governments of Poland and the Czech Republic take such a step ... the Strategic Missile Forces will be capable of targeting these facilities if a relevant decision is made,” Solovtsov said. The announcement came 10 days after Russian President Vladimir Putin warned of a “new Cold War,”during a speech in Munich that stunned the West...
...[Question to Dr. Cohen] -- What does Gen. Solovtsov’s statement yesterday say about the political climate between Russia and the West?
What we are witnessing is post-Cold War security collapsing before our eyes, and European nations once again being held hostage to Russian political ideology.
What is Moscow’s plan in terms of foreign relations?
Russia is trying to crawl its way back to equal footing with the U.S. on the global stage and wants to play strategic nuclear games with new allies and play games with resources in places like Iran, Turkmenistan and Qatar. It wants to be back in the fold and is willing to create a nuclear axis including Iran and China for leverage.
What does this mean for the former Soviet republics and Eastern and Central Europe, which benefit from Russian energy and are under scrutiny by the Russian military?
They will once again become front-line states in the conflict with Russia, and will be held hostage by the Russians. While it may sound selfish to say, I think many of them want to be there because it makes them important and this time they are on the “right side,” meaning they are aligned with the U.S.
What will the repercussions be for the U.S. and its allies?
Many nations in Central, Eastern and even Western Europe are becoming pro-U.S. and anti-Russian as a result of some of the latest words from Putin. His speech a few weeks ago was a cold shower for many Europeans and left some divided. There are those who believed he made good points about Bush, but there are many who believe that his words are why NATO needed to expand in the first place.
Is a second Cold War a legitimate possibility?
If Russia chooses to engage in a second Cold War while the U.S. is otherwise engaged in Iraq and Afghanistan, then it will get its Cold War. I don’t think the timing of Putin’s statements and actions are accidental. However, I hope it won’t deteriorate into a new Cold War, because it would come at a tremendous cost to the Russian people and would be much harder on them than on us.
Thune Endorses McCain

McCain, who has at times in the past been at odds with conservatives, has been working to amass right-wing support and broaden his appeal to the Republican base before the party's primaries.
Thune said he backs McCain because he has dedicated his life to the advancement of freedom and human rights, according to a statement released by McCain's presidential exploratory committee and reported by The Associated Press.
"He represents the kind of leader who understands national security issues and the stakes in the global war on terror," Thune said by phone Monday from Grand Rapids, Mich. "He is the kind of person we need because we are going to face difficult and challenging times..."
Here's the rest of the Argus Leader story on this momentous announcement.
National Politics
The Left's Ongoing Campaign Against Free Speech
John Leo has a terrific article over on City Journal that explaind how the heavy crackdown of free speech on the university campus endangers the liberty of us all.
Remember when the Right had a near-monopoly on censorship? If so, you must be in your sixties, or older. Now the champions of censorship are mostly on the left. And they are thickest on the ground in our colleges and universities. Since the late 1980s, what should be the most open, debate-driven, and tolerant sector of society has been in thrall to the diversity and political correctness that now form the aggressive secular religion of America’s elites.
The censors have only grown in power, elevating antidiscrimination rules above “absolutist” free-speech principles, silencing dissent with antiharassment policies, and looking away when students bar or disrupt conservative speakers or steal conservative newspapers. Operating under the tacit principle that “error has no rights,” an ancient Catholic theological rule, the new censors aren’t interested in debates or open forums. They want to shut up dissenters...
Read the rest of this standout article here.
Remember when the Right had a near-monopoly on censorship? If so, you must be in your sixties, or older. Now the champions of censorship are mostly on the left. And they are thickest on the ground in our colleges and universities. Since the late 1980s, what should be the most open, debate-driven, and tolerant sector of society has been in thrall to the diversity and political correctness that now form the aggressive secular religion of America’s elites.
The censors have only grown in power, elevating antidiscrimination rules above “absolutist” free-speech principles, silencing dissent with antiharassment policies, and looking away when students bar or disrupt conservative speakers or steal conservative newspapers. Operating under the tacit principle that “error has no rights,” an ancient Catholic theological rule, the new censors aren’t interested in debates or open forums. They want to shut up dissenters...
Read the rest of this standout article here.
Why Are Liberals Fighting Against Effective Prison Reform?

So why is the program under such severe attacks from liberals? And why have the courts been so blind both to the positive benefits of the IFI ministry and the U.S. Constitution?
You can find out the details of the court actions concerning IFI at the web site of Prison Fellowship. And by watching this inspirational 8-minute video, you can learn about the program itself.
Pro-Life Marches and Rallies Draw Increased Numbers

Here are some of the highlights of Mr. Pronechen's article:
It wasn't just the mainstream media that ignored the March for Life - Internet media sources like the Drudge Report ignored it too. And it wasn't just the March for Life in Washington they ignored. Jan. 22 was the anniversary of the Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion in all nine months of pregnancy. In what may be the great social movement of our time, pro-life Americans protested and attended Masses in cathedrals from coast to coast...
...While the March for Life Jan. 22 drew an estimated 200,000 to the National Mall in Washington, its ripples were being felt throughout the rest of the country. On a day that featured pounding rain in Dallas, 9-degree temperatures in Lincoln, Neb., and raw cold in the nation's capital, the numbers reflected that the pro-life movement is steadily growing.
In just three short years, Walk for Life West in San Francisco has grown to a sizable wave. In 2006, 15,000 people took to the streets on the Saturday before the annual Washington march that marks the anniversary of the legalization of abortion in the United States. According to Walk for Life West's Co-Chairwoman Eva Muntean, this year's event grew to between 20,000 and 25,000 people. Via Vigil, program coordinator for the social concerns office for the Archdiocese of San Francisco, which is a co-sponsor of the walk, pointed out that more younger people are attending, and buses are bringing participants from nearby states...
Back in Boston, a rally took place at Faneuil Hall, the 18th-century building where Son of Liberty Samuel Adams spoke out against the injustices the British inflicted on the colonies. Nearly 200 people came to hear speakers like Raymond Flynn, former mayor of Boston and U.S. ambassador to the Holy See. Massachusetts Citizens for Life Executive Director Marie Sturgis said the second annual Respect Life Mass in nearby Arlington on Sunday packed St. Agnes Church, which holds upwards of 700 people. "There was not a seat to be had," she said.
In Atlanta, another 700 people crowded downtown's Shrine of the Immaculate Conception for the Mass for the Unborn. Observed archdiocesan pro-life director Mary Boyert, "The church was filled and people were out the doors." After Mass, everyone joined the silent walk to the state Capitol nearby, swelling the ranks that included members of Georgia Right to Life to an estimated 4,000 people...
...The 20th annual ecumenical prayer service on the anniversary, sponsored through the St. Paul and Minneapolis Archdiocese's respect life office and led by Archbishop Harry Flynn at the Cathedral of St. Paul, attracted 2,800 pro-life supporters. The prayer service "set the tone for the day," said Sonya Flomo in the respect life office. The majority join the walk to the Capitol, "especially now that we have a lot of high school students who participate..."
...Cleveland Right to Life's Executive Director Molly Smith said this year's rally downtown drew less than the usual 500 participants because many decided to head to Washington. Still, she said, "we had over 100 students in the bitter cold," primarily from Catholic schools, but some Evangelical schools "and a fair number of home schoolers support us..."
...In the heartland of Nebraska in the Lincoln Diocese, Father Jeffrey Eickhoff, who heads the pro-life office, said numbers for the Nebraska Right to Life annual Walk for Life by the state Capitol usually reach several thousands, but this year snow and the 9-degree temperature held numbers down to 800...
(Thanks to John Finn for the story.)
Monday, February 19, 2007
The MSM's Conscious Mishandling of the Stem Cell Controversy
How is the MSM doing in its coverage of the stem cell controversy? Are reporters giving Americans the scientific facts about human conception, about destruction of human life, about the total lack of success in ESCR techniques so far, about the amazing progress of "adult" stem cell research and current therapies?
I think you know the answers.
And here is a quick review by Michael Fumento confirming your assumptions.
I think you know the answers.
And here is a quick review by Michael Fumento confirming your assumptions.
What Hath Darwin Wrought?
Here's a thoughtful (and thought-provoking) column from Ken Connor dealing with not only the essence of Darwinian philosophy but also its effects. Check it out.
Intelligent Design,
"The Myth of a Cursed Race" Video -- An Excellent Black History Month Experience
If you've got a half hour for some quality viewing, I'd recommend this informative video produced by Day of Discovery. Full of interesting, relevant history and biblical hermeneutics, this video is a great addition to a family's Black History Month activities.
Christian Teaching,
Freedom Issues,
The Arts
Visionary Leadership Requires a Moral Compass

Such leadership deserves our admiration...and our sincere thanks.
...Diabetes is considered one of the diseases that stem cell therapy might someday help.
But [Dan] Lipinski, D-Ill., 40, stands in the minority in his party in opposing federal financing of embryonic stem cell research because, to him, moral qualms trump medical promise. He objects to the fact that embryos must be destroyed to get the stem cells and favors research on other types of stem cells, such as from umbilical cord blood and amniotic fluid.
"I desperately want to be cured of diabetes, and I want to see the suffering end for so many other people," said Lipinski, whose daily regimen includes four insulin injections and five drawings of blood. "But science continues to demonstrate we don't have to choose between advancing medical techniques and contentious life issues..."
...[Jeff] Fortenberry, R-Neb., offered that his 6-year-old daughter, Kathryn, has had three open-heart surgeries to treat atrial ventricular septal defect, a form of heart disease, and would need still more operations.
"We are probably looking at a fourth in the coming months, and in that surgery it is likely she will need a mechanical valve which further complicates her difficulties," he said.
Like many in his party, Fortenberry opposes research on embryonic stem cells. He said his spirits were lifted by a recent report on Swiss scientists who were beginning to grow children's heart valves from adult stem cells...
You might want to send a quick thank-you to these men for their principled, exemplary leadership. Below is the contact information.
Rep. Lipinski
1717 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-5701
E-mail contact
Rep. Jeff Fortenberry
1517 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-4806
E-mail contact form
McCain: Roe Must Go
Here's the latest in John McCain's campaign to win over the Christian conservatives -- a bloc of energetic, loyal voters that any Republican candidate for President so desperately needs.
National Politics,
Surgical Abortion
Saturday, February 17, 2007
The Spiritual Idealism of Madonna

From today's "You Can't Make This Kind of Stuff Up" Department, here's a brief story on Madonna's ambitions, role models and why she depicted Jesus' cruifixion on stage. Where is Petula Clark, Connie Francis and Mary Wells when we need them?
False Religion,
The Arts
The Day of Belarusian Solidarity
From Charter '97 --- Today the Day of Belarusian Solidarity is celebrated in Belarus and around the world for the 16th time. The leader of the democratic forces Alyaksandr Milinkevich has called upon praying for release of Belarusian political prisoners. “I am enormously thankful to all those who show their solidarity with Belarus on this day. The 16th day of every month has become a landmark for democratic activists in our country and abroad. Today Belarus is a problem number one in Europe, and front pages of many newspapers in Europe cover the situation in our country, and it’s a merit of all those people who are reminding the world that human rights in Belarus are violated, free election is absent, independent press is extinct. As a Christian I call upon all Belarusians and friends of our country to pray for early release of all Belarusian political prisoners, for restoration of democracy in Belarus."
Protecting the Christians of Iraq
Dr. Greg Gardner, our good friend in Birmingham, England, sent along his recommendation of the web site (and the work) of the Jerusalem Prayer Team. After looking through the material on the site, I concur with Greg's opinion.
One of the things Greg specifically pointed to was the effort JPT has undertaken to persuade the U.S. government to do more to protect the Christian minority in Iraq. On this page of the JPT site you can help them in this excellent cause by signing an e-mail petition.
One of the things Greg specifically pointed to was the effort JPT has undertaken to persuade the U.S. government to do more to protect the Christian minority in Iraq. On this page of the JPT site you can help them in this excellent cause by signing an e-mail petition.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Talking to Charlie Daniels

I think you'll really enjoy them both. Interview One (from July 2001) and Interview Two (from November 2003).
And then be sure to check out the official Charlie Daniels web site.
On the Field with Franklin Graham
One of the challenging but uplifting spots on the internet site of Samaritan's Purse is the "On the Fileld with Franklin Graham" page. There you can read about some of the latest projects of this very impressive Christian outreach.
Check it out right here.
Check it out right here.
Barack Obama: Up Close & Personal
Rev. Rob Schenck, of the increasingly influential National Clergy Council, has written a comprehensive expose' of Sen. Barack Hussein Obama. Read it here.
And after that, you might be interested in shorter columns about Obama written by Linda Chavez, David Limbaugh and Ann Coulter.
And after that, you might be interested in shorter columns about Obama written by Linda Chavez, David Limbaugh and Ann Coulter.
The Party of Compassion? Democrats Vote Against AIDS Babies

Despite the $463.5 billion in the 2007 spending bill the U.S. Senate adopted late yesterday, liberals refused to find $30 million to detect and treat HIV/AIDS in newborn babies. In fact, the legislation specifically includes a provision that would cancel a program designed to do just that. Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) attempted to add an amendment earlier this week to reinstate the funding, but Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) refused to include it in the final bill.
Putting political vengeance ahead of children's health, liberals have hinted that this is score-settling for Coburn's aggressive stance against spending. "Slashing funding for baby AIDS formula grants and putting thousands of babies needlessly at risk of HIV infection is a perverse way to exact political retribution," Coburn said.
Every year, thousands of babies, predominantly from poor, African-American families, are born at risk of developing AIDS. With the growth and expansion of prenatal testing, many of these HIV-related infections can be treated--and even prevented. Studies show that when the drug regimen AZT is given to pregnant women who have contracted HIV, the risk of mother-to-child transmission drops by two-thirds. Back in December, this success inspired Congress to pass a law called the Ryan White Early Diagnosis Grant Program that authorizes the $30 million in funding to states to ensure that these mothers have access to medication that they otherwise could not afford. Now Democrats are willing to put thousands of vulnerable children at risk.
How could anyone be so callous as to prevent infants from getting preventative care that could change--even save--their lives?
Please let your political representatives know how shameful this action is.
America's Abortion Schizophrenia
The new bill is called Alexa’s Law, after the name given to the unborn daughter of Chelsea Brooks, 14, who was killed last year in Wichita. Three men have been charged with murder in Chelsea’s death, but not for that of the child she was carrying. Chelsea’s death came weeks before she was due to give birth.
The legislation, HB 2006, would not apply to abortion or any action by the mother, such as drug use, that caused injury to the fetus. Supporters said that was an intentional response to critics who contended that the bill was motivated by abortion politics. “This bill is about one thing, and that is justice,” said the bill’s sponsor, Rep. Steve Brunk, a Bel Aire Republican.
But true justice does not discriminate. It is, in the language of the Bible, no respecter of persons. So, no, Representative Strunk; if it was justice being served, the interest of all preborn boys and girls would be protected by law...protected from drunk drivers, protected from the effects of assault upon their mothers and, most assuredly, protected from the caculated, brutal murder-for-hire that is, in fact, abortion.
Here's the Kansas City Star's story.
The legislation, HB 2006, would not apply to abortion or any action by the mother, such as drug use, that caused injury to the fetus. Supporters said that was an intentional response to critics who contended that the bill was motivated by abortion politics. “This bill is about one thing, and that is justice,” said the bill’s sponsor, Rep. Steve Brunk, a Bel Aire Republican.
But true justice does not discriminate. It is, in the language of the Bible, no respecter of persons. So, no, Representative Strunk; if it was justice being served, the interest of all preborn boys and girls would be protected by law...protected from drunk drivers, protected from the effects of assault upon their mothers and, most assuredly, protected from the caculated, brutal murder-for-hire that is, in fact, abortion.
Here's the Kansas City Star's story.
Are You Kidding? The MSM Does a Positive Piece on Pro-Life CPCs?

Yes, there are a few errors caused from bias: the description of kind, calm voices as being somehow new to the pro-life movement...the dismissal of the links between abortion and such severe complications as breast cancer, sterility, etc...and, of course, the simplistic sentiments shared at the article's close about the non-judgmental, middle-ground, let's all get along while we increase funding for pills and condoms.
But, like I said, it is really a much more positive article than what we would have even imagined a few years ago.
Let's face it -- the pro-life movement is gathering steam. The technology is on our side. The youth are increasingly opposed to abortion. The feminist rant has worn thin, exposing the shrill selfishness and brutality of the ideology. The medical effects of surgical (and chemical) abortion are getting harder and harder to deny. The ranks of people regretting their abortions are swelling. The abortionists are dying and no one wants to pick up the ignoble tools of the trade. The vicious violence of abortion is repulsing more Americans every day.
And now...even the MSM looks like they may be getting a few cracks in their wall of silence, bias and misinformation.
Ain't that somethin!
Okay, Nebraskans -- It's Time to Stand Against Cloning
The details are now set for the annual Pro-Life Legislative Day sponsored by Nebraska Right to Life. It's always an important day for grassroots lobbying and public witness, but there are years that we can have a greater impact on pro-life legislation than others.
This is one of those years!
Please consider carefully (and prayerfully) joining us in Lincoln for this year's Pro-Life Legislative Day.
Here's the details:
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
State Capitol, Lincoln
Room 1126 (First floor, south side)
The primary goal of this year's Pro-Life Day is to get the word out (against a massive disinformation campaign led by the University of Nebraska Medical Center and the media) about LB 700, the Human Cloning Prohibition Act. And, of course, our state senators are a key part of our audience. A large turnout of pro-life advocates will be a huge help.
Everything is free all day --and the staff of Nebraska Right to Life invites us all for however much of the day we can spend. The agenda includes:
* 8:00 a.m. -- Registration, coffee & rolls
* 8:45 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. -- A welcome from Senator Cap Dierks (Room Host) followed by remarks from Senator Mark Christensen, the sponsor of LB 700, and other co-sponsors.
* 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. -- A brief review by pro-life lobbyists explaining the best ways to explain LB 700 to your state senator and others.
* 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. -- A distribution of information packets for the senators.
* 10:30 a.m. to Noon -- Proceed to 2nd Floor Rotunda to call senators off the floor and the viewing of the legislative debate from the balcony.
* Noon to 1:00 p.m. -- Lunch on your own. (There's a cafeteria on the first floor or you can zip over to any of the nearby downtown restaurants.)
* 1:30 p.m. -- Judiciary Committee hearing on LB 700, Room, 1113, Capitol building, first floor, south side. The Judiciary Committee typically hears several bills in an afternoon so it is not known when LB 700 will come up during the hearing. Here's a tip, though. If you want to secure a seat in Rm. 1113, you 'll have to get there early. (The Legislature often provides overflow rooms for big crowds to view hearings on TV monitors.) Persons interested in testifying on behalf of LB 700 can submit written testimony to the committee.
All of the State’s pro-life and pro-family groups are supporting LB 700 and have signed a Unity Statement standing behind its passage. Vital Signs Ministries will be coordinating car pools for anyone interested in going down from Omaha. So contact us soon at (
This is one of those years!
Please consider carefully (and prayerfully) joining us in Lincoln for this year's Pro-Life Legislative Day.
Here's the details:
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
State Capitol, Lincoln
Room 1126 (First floor, south side)
The primary goal of this year's Pro-Life Day is to get the word out (against a massive disinformation campaign led by the University of Nebraska Medical Center and the media) about LB 700, the Human Cloning Prohibition Act. And, of course, our state senators are a key part of our audience. A large turnout of pro-life advocates will be a huge help.
Everything is free all day --and the staff of Nebraska Right to Life invites us all for however much of the day we can spend. The agenda includes:
* 8:00 a.m. -- Registration, coffee & rolls
* 8:45 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. -- A welcome from Senator Cap Dierks (Room Host) followed by remarks from Senator Mark Christensen, the sponsor of LB 700, and other co-sponsors.
* 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. -- A brief review by pro-life lobbyists explaining the best ways to explain LB 700 to your state senator and others.
* 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. -- A distribution of information packets for the senators.
* 10:30 a.m. to Noon -- Proceed to 2nd Floor Rotunda to call senators off the floor and the viewing of the legislative debate from the balcony.
* Noon to 1:00 p.m. -- Lunch on your own. (There's a cafeteria on the first floor or you can zip over to any of the nearby downtown restaurants.)
* 1:30 p.m. -- Judiciary Committee hearing on LB 700, Room, 1113, Capitol building, first floor, south side. The Judiciary Committee typically hears several bills in an afternoon so it is not known when LB 700 will come up during the hearing. Here's a tip, though. If you want to secure a seat in Rm. 1113, you 'll have to get there early. (The Legislature often provides overflow rooms for big crowds to view hearings on TV monitors.) Persons interested in testifying on behalf of LB 700 can submit written testimony to the committee.
All of the State’s pro-life and pro-family groups are supporting LB 700 and have signed a Unity Statement standing behind its passage. Vital Signs Ministries will be coordinating car pools for anyone interested in going down from Omaha. So contact us soon at (
Thursday, February 15, 2007
A Tale of Two Marches
The Media Research Center explores the huge difference in MSM coverage (both space and tone) of the annual March for Life and the following week's Peace Surge. It's a good survey and one you might want to print off for your friends who continue to deny the very existence of media bias.
Media Matters,
National Politics,
Pro-Life Activities
Don't Outlaw Abortion...Just the Pictures!
Yes, pictures of aborted babies are gruesome in the extreme. They are terrible and of very poor taste. They can be upsetting, alarming, and profoundly unforgettable. But why oh why are we more upset at the evidence than we are at the unconscionable crimes they portray?
Here's a news story of a disabled grandma in England whose efforts against the abortifacient "morning after pill" included sending photos of aborted babies to pharmacists. She has been convicted under a 1988 law (the Malicious Communications Act) because judges have ruled "she had no right to cause distress to others who might see the pictures."
Of abortionists who cause much more severe "distress to others"(specifically, the barbaric and lethal violence which, in fact, is abortion), the judges have nothing to say.
The courts here, of course, have failed miserably to uphold one's rights to freedom of speech and freedom of expression. They have also failed quite miserably to demonstrate even the most basic levels of morality and common sense.
Here's a news story of a disabled grandma in England whose efforts against the abortifacient "morning after pill" included sending photos of aborted babies to pharmacists. She has been convicted under a 1988 law (the Malicious Communications Act) because judges have ruled "she had no right to cause distress to others who might see the pictures."
Of abortionists who cause much more severe "distress to others"(specifically, the barbaric and lethal violence which, in fact, is abortion), the judges have nothing to say.
The courts here, of course, have failed miserably to uphold one's rights to freedom of speech and freedom of expression. They have also failed quite miserably to demonstrate even the most basic levels of morality and common sense.
Your Science "Sanity Check" for Today

Global Hot Air.
Global Hot Air: Part II.
Global Hot Air: Part III.
And yes, there may be a quiz afterwards.
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