Monday, August 12, 2013

Throwing Yet More Money at the Education Disaster Isn't Going to Help

Obama’s latest demand for even more government spending or “investment” in America’s schools confirms how profoundly and irretrievably he is removed from reality.

As this chart by the Cato Institute’s Andrew J. Coulson irrefutably illustrates, the trouble with U.S. education is not a scarcity of tax dollars thrown in its general direction. The spending curve of government outlays on K–12 education from 1970–2010 is essentially an upward-sloping 45-degree angle. The curves representing reading, math, and science test scores are all 0-degree angles. These commonly are called flat lines.

For all the lavish expenditures that have been lobbed into America’s government schools, U.S. student performance is in its fifth decade of suspended animation.

Liquidating the teachers’ unions, enacting vouchers and other school-choice options, abandoning the exhausted excuses for poor performance, and — conversely — boosting expectations for all students (regardless of background or circumstances) would help solve this perennial challenge.

Also worthy: Intense, focused, private extracurricular programs, such as the Harlem Educational Activities Fund…

And what's that about? Read the rest of "Education Spending Soars, Test Scores Stagnate", Deroy Murdock's enlightening column at National Review.