Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What's Scaring Away New Jobs? ObamaCare.

...39% of small-business owners said in a Chamber of Commerce survey taken last month that ObamaCare was either their greatest or second-greatest obstacle to new hiring.

The president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Dennis Lockhart, concurs, stating that "prominent" among the obstacles to hiring is the "lack of clarity about the cost implications" of ObamaCare. "We've frequently heard strong comments," reported Lockhart, "to the effect of, 'My company won't hire a single additional worker until we know what health insurance costs are going to be.'"

Additionally, 84% of small business owners in the survey said the economy is on the wrong track, 79% view the current regulatory environment as unreasonable, and 79% believe Washington should get out of the way of small business, rather than offering a helping hand...

(Ralph R. Reiland, "Obama: Circling back to the iceberg," Pittsburgh Tribune-Review)