Thursday, May 07, 2009

Hands for Life Conference in Portland, Oregon

Blogging is light this morning because Claire and I are taking off for the airport in just a few minutes for Portland (via Denver) in order to take part in the Hands for Life Conference scheduled there this Friday night and Saturday.

The schedule and other information can be found at the conference website right here.

In addition to presenting several sessions on pro-life activism, we will be joining a few locals in prayer and sidewalk counseling at one of the city's abortion clinics. It will serve as a practicum for conference attendees with Claire and I having some time afterward to talk about effective strategies in direct action ministries such as this.

The sessions will be taped and so, if we say anything worthwhile, we may be able to offer it you on a wave file, podcast or perhaps even video clip. We'll let you know.

The reason Claire and I were asked to go to Portland was because the Tim and Janet Straub family were trying to get popular author and Director of Eternal Perspective Ministries Randy Alcorn to help them inspire local Christians to make some practical applications of things learned in a very successful pro-life event last January. Randy, an extremely busy fellow, suggested they phone us and get a few ideas.

They did that. And that long phone conversation led to another...and another. And the next thing we knew, the Straub's were creating an entire conference designed to inspire, encourage and equip Christians to engage in a variety of Christ-centered pro-life actions there in the Portland area. We were honored by the Straub's invitation to be a part of this important event.

While in Portland we will also be meeting with local Christians in small groups, answering questions and listening to their stories. I will be preaching at a church there on Sunday morning. And Monday morning we will visit the offices of Eternal Perspective Ministries where we will meet members of a team we have great respect and affection for.

Perhaps a few other items may get dropped into the schedule. They have a way of doing that.

And yes, Claire is taking her laptop so I'll also do some blogging Friday morning and send out the Vital Signs Top Ten as well.

We would, of course, deeply appreciate any prayers you might think to lift heavenwards for the spiritual impact of these next few days in the Northwest. Thanks.