Monday, November 14, 2022

Our Kind of Church!

Our church service yesterday afternoon was an especially moving time and we are once again moved to thank God for the immense honor and blessing it is for us to bring this ministry to our friends at Aksarben Village Senior Living.  

Our “congregation” numbered 12 residents yesterday and they enjoyed 3 wonderful music videos: 1) the choirs and orchestra of First Baptist Church of Dallas singing “There Is Power in the Blood,” 2) the Town Hall Gospel Choir out of London singing “And Can It Be?” and 3) an exquisite presentation of “Your Grace Still Amazes Me” by a trio of young Christians in Romania.  The brief sermon I gave was “Receiving the Kingdom as a Little Child” covering Acts 18:15-17, an even shorter version of which will be on the Vital Signs Ministries YouTube page later this week.  

And after the music, sermon, and prayers, it was a time of very interactive fellowship as Claire and I, Dick Loneman, Patrick Osborne, and Don Kohls distributed the cookies, coffee, lemonade, and engaged the residents in conversation for about 45 minutes.  

Wonderful music selections.  A brief but serious exegesis of the Bible.  And the opportunity to personally encourage and enlighten and otherwise serve one another.  It’s our kind of church!  If you are interested in investing an occasional Sunday afternoon in this important and inspirational ministry, please let us know.