Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Bible Study Among Friends (Even at a Distance)

Several weeks ago, I invited a few of my friends to join me in studying (and then discussing together) the Old Testament book of Esther.  The method was simple enough – read the book, study it in whatever depth you had time for, consider personal applications of the text, and then post a few of your reflections on an email thread so that everyone in the group (there were 8 of us) could benefit. 

Well, it worked really well. It not only provided stimulation and accountability to study the Bible, but it also helped make our friendships sharper and more purposeful as we related our responses to each other by conversation over coffee or even via email. And anything that helps us meet those goals is an important ministry. 

Perhaps you might consider joining us in future projects of this sort.  If you are in an effectively interactive study right now through home groups or Sunday school classes...that's terrific.  But if you’re not (or if you’d like to add to those studies), then give a thought to taking us up on this offer.  

And, by the way, the next project is just getting underway.  It’s a look at the 3-chapter Old Testament book of Habakkuk, a little book by volume but a very big book in its relevance to our own day.

So, if you’re interested in being a part of this exercise, just us send an email and I’ll include you in the thread.