Thursday, March 18, 2021

A Few Comments, a Sermon, and an Inspirational Example Relating to Prayer

A couple of weeks ago, I preached the Sunday morning sermon at Grace Bible Church entitled “A Pattern for Our Prayers” which was an exposition of what is usually (but incorrectly) called “The Lord’s Prayer.” The primary purpose of that sermon was to show how this prayer pattern that Jesus gave to His disciples can be effectively customized by you and me to great effect.  You can listen to that 36-sermon sermon here at this link.

However, yesterday morning at the Tuesday Morning Cafe that we host at our home, Dick Wilson brought along something that all present found very inspiring.  Now Dick is an intriguing guy on many counts – a sea-going Marine, a railroad detective, a law enforcement officer with Nebraska Game and Parks, an Omaha constable, a woodworker of exceptional skill, a compassionate pro-life activist, and a dedicated family man who has lifted up the cause of Christ for many decades. Indeed, Dick has blessed us beyond measure and we, like so many others, find his wise counsel, humility, work ethic, generosity, and example of godly living – both at home and in the public square – of exceptional value. 

Nevertheless, he brought us a very special gift last Tuesday when he let us read a prayer he had himself written some 30 years ago. It had been lost in an envelope which was stuck away in an unused desk drawer until the day before. It was a terrific prayer but the fact that he had written it out himself was inspiration to us, one that made several of us think that we might try our hand at such a meaningful spiritual exercise. Maybe you’d like to give it a try too.

Anyhow, Claire carefully scanned in Dick’s handwritten note (the paper was very fragile) and we printed off copies for everyone at the Hartford Cafe.  But I asked Dick if it was okay to broadcast it a but further afield. It was. So here from 1991 when Dick was in his mid-50s, is that prayer.

My Great and Mighty God, Father of the Fatherless, call on me your willing servant.

What is your will I will do.  Your direction and command shall be my joy.

If it be a small task, I will do it well and humbly praise Your Holy Name.

And, if it be a great task O Lord, I will not fear, for You will always be with me.

You have promised never to forsake me; and I will not fail You O Lord,

 for you are all I seek to serve.

Abba Father, choose me!  My God, my Father of Love, Blessed is Your Name!