I'm wrote this quick letter to the U.S. President early this morning over a coffee at Paradise cafe. Claire has typed it up nicely and it's already on its way. However, I'm posting it as an "open letter" in hopes that it might motivate you to follow with a letter of your own.
What do you say?
Dear President Trump,
I write you this morning to very briefly comment on
ten items relating to your service to our nation (and indeed, the cause of freedom around the world).
1) We are praying for you every day. We pray for protection, strength, wisdom from God, and success in all of your endeavors.
2) We are deeply grateful for your bold, compassionate, and just promotion of the sanctity of all human life. We especially applaud your actions against the mega-abortion corporation that is Planned Parenthood.
3) We urge you to move even stronger against the very real threat of voter fraud.
4) You have served America’s interests well in standing up to the World Health Organization, the United Nations, the Democrats in Congress, the irrational and enraged media, and the corruption of the Deep State. Many, many thanks. Stay the course.
5) We appreciate your moves to contain the China Virus AND to open the country as soon as possible to reduce the horrific effects of the quarantines, shutdowns, and fear.
6) We also appreciate your spirited defense of the citizens’ freedom of speech and freedom of religion against the dangerously stifling censorship of giant monopolistic companies like Google, Twitter, and Facebook. Press that fight all the way, please.
7) Speaking of Twitter, please be more prudent and winsome in this arena. It is the one area in which your genuine friends find irksome and counter-productive. But, believe me, it's the only area where your genuine friends want you to ease off a bit. Everywhere else...full steam ahead!
8) You have worked hard and skillfully to bring back America’s military strength and its economy. Thank you too for standing strong with Israel and other trustworthy U.S. allies even as you refuse to be cowed by the antics of the downward-spiraling, socialist-dominated nations of Europe.
9) Thank you for pursuing so diligently the appointments of judges who have clear records of respecting, preserving, and applying the U.S. Constitution as it was intended by its original writers.
10) Please pass on to Melania our heartiest thanks for the excellent, inspirational, and kind-hearted leadership she has shown. The United States has never been blessed with a lovelier, more modest, more gracious First Lady.
Denny & Claire Hartford
Omaha, Nebraska