terrific set of enlightening articles for those of you who are looking for solid information about issues of genuine importance, practical applications of your faith and morals, and a strong dose of common sense.
* "Why Bureaucracy, Not Your Doctor, Is Making All Your Medical Decisions" (Deane Waldman, Federalist)
* "Cuomo vetoes bill letting all judges officiate weddings because some were Trump-appointed" (New York Post, via Fox News)
* "Happy Kwanzaa! The Holiday Brought to You By the FBI" (Ann Coulter, Town Hall)
* "Climate Worship Is Nothing More Than Rebranded Paganism" (Sumantra Maitra, Federalist)
* "How An Unlimited Supply Of Borrowed Cash Is Destroying Higher Education" (Rebecca Kathryn Jude and Chauncey M. DePree, Jr.)
* "Vatican Rules in Favor of Gay Dutch Priest" (Stephen Wynne, Church Militant)
* "Rapper Eminem’s Powerful New Song 'River' is a Sorrowful Apology to an Aborted Child" (Corinne Weaver, LifeNews.com)