Thursday, April 09, 2015

“Very Strong is a Working Supplication of a Righteous Man”

In the mysterious but wonderful union of God’s sovereignty and man’s free will, there is prayer.  Can prayer actually change the course of events then? Of course. Both the Holy Scriptures and personal experience say yes. And does it change the mind and heart of the intercessor? Yes again. Indeed, that is one of its primary and most important purposes. And does prayer please God? Does He enjoy hearing the worship, the meditation, and the appeals that come from His beloved children? Most definitely. So pray, my fellow saints. Pray without ceasing. Pray in humility, gratitude, and faith. And pray with a keen eye to the promises of Your heavenly Father.  

“Very strong is a working supplication of a righteous man,” James 5:16. (From Robert Young’s Literal Translation of the Greek text, published in 1862)