Christmas kept us all busy but don't let these articles get by you.
* “8 Americans to Remember This Christmas” (Brett Schaefer, Heritage Foundation)
* “Kwanzaa: The Holiday Brought To You By the FBI” (Ann Coulter, Town Hall)
* “Encouraging Lessons from the ‘Duck Dynasty’ Imbroglio” (David Limbaugh, Human Events)
* “Russia Chooses Life” (Steven W. Mosher, PRI)
* “Why December 25?” (Erick Erickson, Human Events)
* “The Case for Christmas (Part 1)” by Chuck Norris.
* “Army: Don’t say Christmas” (Todd Starnes, Fox News)
* “Into Year 6, Obama admits he’s clueless” (Joseph Curl, Washington Times)
* "Bozell Column: '60 Minutes,' Tool of the State?" (NewsBusters)