Friday, August 09, 2013

Moronic Mayhem: The Pro-Choice Movement Is Getting Desperate

While pro-life advocates bring to the abortion controversy the facts of embryology, compassion, a righteous respect for the life of all humanity, a willingness to sacrificially support ministries to those facing problem pregnancies, and so on, what do pro-abortion activists bring?

Michael Brown gives a few examples in his latest Town Hall column.

What has the pro-abortion side offered in response?

• Planned Parenthood dropping its “pro-choice” moniker, once considered an impregnable (no pun intended) winning concept, in favor of the hopelessly self-defeating, “Your Baby Will Thank You” (but only, of course, if the baby manages to escape the Planned Parenthood clinic alive).

• Completely inane statements by the media, like this one, from MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry, who said: “When does life begin? I submit the answer depends an awful lot on the feeling of the parents. A powerful feeling -- but not science. The problem is that many of our policymakers want to base sweeping laws on those feelings.” (Aside from the ludicrous nature of saying that the parents determine when life begins -- where does this kind of thinking lead? -- the question remains: Which lawmakers are trying to “base sweeping laws” on feelings alone?) Yes, this was the same TV host who recently wore tampon earrings to protest the Texas abortion laws.

• Absolutely murderous statements by so-called medical ethicists, leading to outlandish headlines like this, in Britain’s Telegraph: “Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say.” (Yes, the headline really says, “experts say.”) The article continues, “Parents should be allowed to have their newborn babies killed because they are ‘morally irrelevant’ and ending their lives is no different to abortion, a group of medical ethicists linked to Oxford University has argued.”

• Pathetic ads, like the one celebrating the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade and featuring black actor Mechad Brooks. The ad was so dreadful that Eric Metaxas commented, “When I first watched this ad, I thought, this HAS to be a spoof. It employs the ugly racial stereotype of a smooth-talking [black] predator celebrating his freedom to use women at zero cost to himself: Hey, baby, hook up with me -- and then go have an abortion. Are they kidding? No; this was no spoof.”

• Despicable protests in Austin, Texas, against legislators who were simply voting for a ban on abortions after 20 weeks as well as for heightened health regulations at abortion facilities. As Katie Pavlich reported, “Apparently chanting ‘hail Satan,’ ‘f*ck the church,’ ‘bro-choice’ and holding signs that say ‘hoes before embryos’ just wasn't enough for pro-abortion protestors in Texas. According to reports on the ground, police have confiscated bricks, tampons, pads and condoms protestors planned to throw at pro-life lawmakers.” The police “also confiscated jars of urine and feces.”

• Students on campus videotaped as they signed a petition to legalize “aborting” fourth-trimester babies (meaning, already born, full-term babies -- but who said college students were good at math these days?).

• The rise of the “bro-choice” movement, as young men, surely moved by altruism alone (forgive the sarcasm), are now taking a stand. As expressed by Ben Sherman, “For those of us guys who like girls -- you know, like them like them -- and want to have relationships with them, that may last anywhere from a few minutes to many years, we need to think about how this bill (Texas HB 2), by curtailing the bodily autonomy and sexual freedom of women, hurts us, too. We need to stand with women in their fight to control their own bodies.”

It is little wonder, then, that the pro-life tide continues to rise...

Read the entirety of Brown's "The Moral and Intellectual Bankruptcy of the Pro-Abortion Movement" right here.