Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The United Nations: Creating A Better World Through "Global Governance"

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon isn't too keen on democracy.  Indeed, no matter what the citizens of the world think (let alone the citizens of the United States who have always provided the lion's share of the UN's operating money), Ban Ki-moon is determined to "to fundamentally transform the global economy based on low-carbon, clean energy resources" by means of new global taxes.

His defense of such arrogance? "While we are all in the same boat, not all have a say in how to steer it."

The latest example of this heavy-handed elitism is the UN's meeting today in Tokyo about how to implement these global energy taxes. The meetings are being held in secret -- no opposition voices are allowed. Even journalists are banned. No, the UN bureaucrats (who are, remember, unelected) will employ a "collaborative decision-making process" to reach a "consensus" which will define what's best for the world. This is what the UN calls "global governance."

Concerned about losing yet more of your money...and freedom? Then you'd better get serious about supporting genuinely conservative Republican politicians, guys and gals that will get the U.S. out of the UN and get the UN out of the U.S.

Here's the details on the Tokyo debacle from Cathie Adams at Eagle Forum.