Jonathan Wall, writing for Devil Ball Golf (a sports blog of Yahoo), calls it right.
Tiger Woods has been known to drop the occasional F-bomb on national television. So when he dropped one after a wayward tee-shot on Thursday, you expected Golf Channel's production crew to clean up the word.
If only we were so lucky. The network decided to let the word go, allowing viewers at home to hear the F-bomb in all its glory.
But wait, there's more! Instead of letting the moment disappear, they ran the F-bomb again during a Tiger Woods post-round highlight package. It forced Nick Faldo to warn parents at home to covers their kid's ears. Except he offered the warning after the highlight had passed.
There's no excuse for that kind of garbage. As a major sports network, the Golf Channel needs to be mindful of who's watching at home. If you can't catch the F-bomb the first time around, at least clean it up for the highlight package.
I suggest you let the Golf Channel know your disappointment of their action. You can write them at the address I give below but you'd be more likely to respond if I give you this link to their contact page. For ideas, you can read what I told them:
With the beginning of a new season of the PGA and an awareness of how little coverage I can receive during the season with just the regular network coverage, I was thinking about subscribing to the Golf Channel. But after reading this note in Devil Ball Golf (, I've decided against it. You may not be able to do much about cleaning up Tiger's act, but you certainly could clean up your own.
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