You can also check out the sample letters I dropped into these posts: 1, 2.
I'd love to know if you follow up with your own letters to these folks, so please let us know.
1) Nickelodeon's ongoing promotion of sexual and violent video games to young children.
2) Requests for Senators and Congressmen to de-fund Planned Parenthood. For details you can use in your letters, simply type in "Planned Parenthood" in the Search box at the upper left. You'll get a ton.
3) The Food and Drug Administration's approval of the powerful abortifacient drug, ella. It's dangers to mothers are also extensive and very serious.
Food and Drug Administration
10903 New Hampshire Ave
Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002
or by telephone:
1-888-INFO-FDA (1-888-463-6332) -- main FDA Phone Number (for general inquiries)
Also let your political representatives know that you believe the FDA needs to be brought in check.
4) The "DISCLOSE Act" (S. 3628/H.R. 5175) is legislation that would place extensive new legal restrictions on the ability of corporations -- including incorporated nonprofit citizen groups such as National Right to LIfe and others who effectively give public voice to moral concerns -- to communicate with the public about the actions of federal lawmakers. The House has passed it already and it now goes to the Senate.
5) The Protect Life Act (H.R. 5111) would amend the new health care law to prevent federal funding for abortion or abortion coverage through government exchanges, community health centers, or any other program funded or created by PPACA. The bill would also protect the right of conscience for healthcare professionals and ensure that private insurance companies are not forced to cover abortion. Urge your political representatives to support this.
6) So What Will the Republicans DO If They Win in November? Read this post for more.
7) Letters to editors on any of these matters are in order.
8) Writing prisoners and in behalf of prisoners. We use the letter list provided by Voice of the Martyrs.