Thursday, September 02, 2010

Speaking Truth to Power (via Letters)

Here are just three more examples of the citizen advocacy letters written at last Monday's P.A.L. Night. Like those posted Tuesday, they show how it's a lot more effective to voice your concerns (and complaints!) to people who are in positions to act. It increases their awareness; it increases their motivation to act responsibly; and it increases your effectiveness in motivating others as you share what you've done.

You'll see from Tuesday's letters and the three I print below that we cover several subjects in a P.A.L. Night. I hope it encourages you to write a few yourself. Go on; try it. You'll find it so much more satisfying than simply grumbling under your breath!

Note also that I've provided links within the letters which will take you to more information about that particular issue...and sometimes a way to respond on the internet.

Dear Senator Johanns,

I ask you to do everything in your power to see that
Senator Burris’ amendment to this year’s DOD Authorization bill is removed. This amendment, if approved, would open up military hospitals to providing abortions. As a military retiree, I find this not only morally offensive, but it is an undue burden to military medical staffs. Let military hospitals do the work they do so well -- taking care of sick and wounded servicemen and women.

Thank you.

LTC (ret) USAF Quint Coppi

cc Senator Ben Nelson

Dear Viacom,

It troubles me greatly to read of the sexualized and violent video games that are promoted through Nickelodeon.
It is well documented from scientific studies that these types of “entertainment” have extremely negative effects on kid's behavior.

It's tragically obvious that we are becoming a very violent society where love and respect for one another is a lost virtue.
Don't keep making it worse.

What a tragedy that the entertainment has lost its ability to produce positive and healthy TV shows.

Be a true leader of what’s right and good for young minds to learn...even as they are entertained. Perhaps others would see the healthy aspects and follow your lead. It’s easy to make trash, but it takes talent to create shows that promote good and healthy choices.


Don Kohls

Dear Attorney General Cuccinelli,

I want to thank you for upholding health regulations for abortion providers in your state.
I am pro-life, and so I hate the taking of innocent life, but I am appalled that the women victims are subject to dangerous health environments as well.

If the state regulates beauty parlors and veterinarians health standards, abortion clinics certainly need to comply.

Thank you for your leadership in this. I hope very much our Nebraska Attorney General will follow your lead.


Carol Coppi

cc Attorney General Jon Bruning