Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"With President Obama, Each Day Is Crazier than the Previous One."

Sadly, with President Obama, each day is crazier than the previous one. His latest economic speeches border on the surreal. I just can’t quite figure out who he thinks his audience is because so much of what he says doesn’t square with reality.

In a speech Friday in Las Vegas, Obama painted quite a rosy portrait of his economic record to date -- at least rosy compared with what we’ve all experienced with our five senses.

Though I don’t intend to go all “Joe Wilson” on him (“You lie!”), please let me share with you a few, shall we say, “discrepancies” in his speech, the major theme of which could be summarized as “I inherited the worst economy since the Depression, and I saved us from a new depression because I say I did.”

Obama doesn’t merely ignore all empirical evidence that flies in the face of his claim; he just tells us, astonishingly, that it is positive evidence. It would be like a thief telling the judge at his sentencing that but for his heist, his victims would have been worse off...

David Limbaugh never misses. Check out his latest column right here.