Friday, June 18, 2010

Maryland County Governments Are Puppets for Abortion Agencies

Baltimore and Montgomery counties in Maryland have passed laws forcing crisis pregnancy centers to post signs announcing that they do not provide abortions, that they don’t have licensed medical personnel on staff, and that the county health department recommends they seek a licensed health care provider elsewhere. Failure to post the sign gets you a $500 fine.

NARAL and Planned Parenthood are the groups behind these laws. NARAL describes the new laws as part of a new, nationwide strategy to take customers away from crisis pregnancy centers and funnel them to abortion clinics. Step one is to publish phony “studies” about how pregnancy care centers allegedly “mislead” women. The studies are, of course, conducted by NARAL. Step two: Join forces with pro-abortion lawmakers to pass laws that attack crisis pregnancy centers.

Read more about this outrageous partnership of local governments with abortion agencies in this Mark Earley BreakPoint commentary.