Most likely, its a combination of all of these things -- but here's the bottom line:
Last week's Gallup poll, taken after the President and the left-wing media started their full court press to garner good feelings for the legislation, showed that 53% of Americans believe the tactics used by the Democrats to force Obamacare through Congress represent an abuse of power.
And what of the leaders of that abuse of power? Gallup indicates that 36% of Americans have a favorable rating of Nancy Pelosi. But 54% have a negative opinion. That represents quite a shift from when Pelosi first became Speaker of the House. Her Gallup numbers then were 44% favorable and only 22% unfavorable. Golly. Nothing like having people dislike you the more they get to know you.
And Senator Harry Reid? Since Obama was elected, Reid's numbers have fallen more sharply than Pelosi's.
And Democrat incumbents are optimistic about the next election? Guys, let's make sure that the glow they see on the horizon is the sunset of their political careers.
(Hat tip: Blogs Lucianne Loves)