If so, what do you think turned the light on for them?
Perhaps it was Obama's persistence in nominating Cabinet members and judges who are zealots for such things as abortion, homosexual marriage, perverse sex education for toddlers, protection for terrorists, the deconstruction of America's religious heritage and military strength?
Maybe it was Obama's "apology tours" in which he insisted that America was not now and never had been a Christian nation.
It could have been Obama's ongoing, over-the-top and obnoxious praise for Islam.
Maybe it was just Obama's lousy governing style, his deliberate distortions of the truth, his arrogance, his socialism, his petulance, his 180 degree reversal on such things as transparency, ethics and non-partisanship.
And just perhaps the final straw for Christians who yet believed Barack Obama was a genuine believer who desired to open up American culture to the influences of spirituality was this recent closed-door confab that Team Obama granted to the Secular Coalition for America, a group led by agnostics and atheists who demand an end to religious influences in public life. It was a meeting mysteriously closed to the public and press -- but which we are assured by the leader of the group to have gone “very, very well” for them.
Obviously, the polls suggest that an awful lot of the people who supported Barack Obama's bid for the presidency are now sorry they did so. And that means many, many of those Christians who refused to acknowledge the established facts about Obama's leftist, secularist, ardently pro-abortion agenda record are now admitting their tragic error.
How sad for them -- but much sadder still for our nation and the cause of freedom around the world --that they didn't pay attention in the first place.