Monday, November 16, 2009

May Fr. Tony Have a Word?

Having received this morning a letter obviously intended for me but nevertheless addressed to "Fr. Anthony Hartford," I have had to deal all morning with Claire calling me "Fr. Tony" and teasing me in all sorts of other ways -- "Do your vows allow you salsa on your egg burrito?", "What is the Latin for dust mop?", "What's Pope Benedict really like?", and so on.

What fun we have over here.

But this post really has another purpose besides eliciting your sympathy at what I'm enduring today. What I actually had to say was -- Sorry, but I won't be blogging today. The morning's sidewalk counseling shift, a few errands, getting the house ready for one of Vital Signs Ministries Book It! discussions tonight over C.S. Lewis' Screwtape Letters and, uh, finishing reading the book myself -- they have all conspired to keep me from my normal routine.

So, until tomorrow, Benedictio Dei. (Oh no; now she's got me doing it.)