Well, that's just what Hot Air Pundit has done by posting photographs showing the moment of greeting between the Emperor and, respectively, 8 other heads of state and high-level dignitaries.
None of them bowed to the Emperor.
It is interesting to note that the goofball move of President Obama is being noted this time around by more than the alternative media. Could the halo finally be slipping? For instance, here's a take by Andrew Malcolm which showed up in the LA Times.
Among the thousands of comments left on the Ticket in recent days, most dealt with our item: "How low will he go?" about the awkward bow that President Obama gave Japan's Emperor Akihito over the weekend.
Apparently improperly briefed about accepted procedure in Japan or perhaps having a time zone mind melt, Obama stuck out his hand for a shake. Which was fine. And friendly.
He then proceeded to simultaneously bow. Which was not.
And take his eyes off the person he's greeting. Which was not.
And, worst in the eyes of many, the over-enthusiastic president of the United States bowed way down at a 45-degree angle, indicating in that culture, and apparently in the eyes of many others, subservience to the emperor, son of the man who authorized the 1941 Pearl Harbor attack.
This came only a few months after White House aides denied that Obama bowed to the Saudi king, when it sure looked like a bow to non-aides.
And it all seemed to fit in with what critics mockingly call Obama's world apology tours.
It also adds to previous Obama diplomatic gaffes. There was that promise to talk with the president of Canada. A reference to not speaking Austrian. Giving Britain's prime minister a chintzy collection of American movie DVDs, which weren't formatted for video players in the U.K. And Michelle Obama's friendly or patronizing pat to the back of Queen Elizabeth II, who received as her presidential gift an iPod with Broadway show tunes...
Malcolm then goes on to link to this video clip produced by the Republican student group at the University of Connecticut which contrasts Obama's bizarre obeisance to (if I counted correctly) 46 dignitaries! None of whom bowed. Check it out.