Tuesday, November 03, 2009

If Pelosi "Health Care" Plan Doesn't Include Abortion, Why Is Leroy Carhart with Her at the News Conference?

From Concerned Women for America comes this bit of evidence that the Congressional version of ObamaCare does indeed promote and require payment for abortion.

The abortionist who failed to overturn a ban on partial-birth abortion prominently sported a sign at a press conference in support of Nancy Pelosi’s health care bill that she unveiled today. LeRoy Carhart is currently under investigation by the Nebraska Attorney General for unsafe medical practices.

CWA President Wendy Wright spotted Carhart and responded, “Nancy Pelosi’s bill has gained the support of the nation’s most notorious partial-birth abortionist who is under investigation for alleged unsafe medical practices. Pelosi’s bill can now be rightly called an abortionist’s dream. Under her bill, government money will pay for abortions, even the kind that Carhart commits – late-term abortions against viable babies that put women’s health at risk.”

Carhart faces criminal allegations of allowing non-licensed persons to give injections, start IVs and administer controlled substances. In 2007, his legal challenge to overturn a federal ban against partial-birth abortions failed at the U.S. Supreme Court.