Friday, October 02, 2009

We're Getting Out Just a Tad Late

Claire and I were supposed to leave early yesterday morning for Colorado where we're scheduled to attend a weekend reunion of the Bear Creek High School Class of '69 (Go Bears!) and then to spend a few days up in the mountains. Well, as always seems to happen, we decided there were still some things to get done around here before we left. So we called the car rental and told them to reschedule our pickup time. Instead of getting the car at 8, I'd get it at 3.

We hoped to be ready by then but once we got one project finished, another took its place...and so on and so on. Blogging was done; all three coats of varnish went on the new railings, balusters and shadow box (with sanding done before each coat); the garage was cleaned; correspondence was finished; the kitchen was super cleaned; the record albums were all moved; all of the books (hundreds) were put into the new wall-to-wall bookcases; the first floor sitting room was rearranged and cleaned; the rental car got picked up; the tomatoes were picked; Mom's stuff that Sherry is going to look through was prepared for her; our other cars were moved to make plenty of room for Kevin's who will be doing the carpet, kitchen counter and tile work while we're gone; the neighbors were alerted about Kevin's presence (he may even stay a few nights here); and blogging was done for automatic entry Friday morning.

We only have to pack clothes, supplies and books next and then we'll be ready to go. But, as I type this message, it's rapidly nearing midnite.

I guess we're a little behind schedule!

So we go sleepy...but with peace of mind. So have a great weekend (we plan to) and we'll see you next week on the blog and Facebook.