Friday, October 02, 2009

Today's Posts

Because I entered these last night for automatic posting this morning, I was unable to create direct links to the posts from their titles here.
No problem; they're there. Just scroll down to find 'em.

We're Getting Out Just a Tad Late

Yes, Americans Are Beginning to Realize They've Been Had, But the Cult of Obama Is Still Strong (And Real Scary!)

As If Kevin Jennings Hadn't Already Disgusted Us Enough

Larry Elder Looks at Two Presidents

Of Faithfulness and Compassion: The Ongoing Story of Baby Evie

Pay No Attention to Hollywood's Hypocritical Hedonists, Roman Polanski Should Be Justly Punished

Enjoy Your Internet Freedom While You Can. Team Obama Wants to Require "Net Neutrality" Laws

Is Your School System This Honest?