Thursday, September 03, 2009

U.N. Secretary General Predicts Arctic Will Be Ice Free in 20 Years (You'll Have to Drink Your Soda Warm)

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is "alarmed" by the retreat of the Arctic's glaciers. He went so far as predicting that, unless we do immediately what he and other globalists demand, the Arctic will be "virtually ice-free by 2037, even by 2030."

But as the latest evidence shows (see the chart here), Ban Ki-moon is dead wrong. The Arctic ice amounts have shown steady seasonal fluctuation for the last several years with the last couple of years even showing increases.

No, the U.N. Secretary General is playing Chicken Little here, trying to create a fresh panic -- a panic to induce Westerners to surrender their money and their liberty to supra-national bureaucrats who have not true environmental concerns, but political domination at heart.