For as was the case in ancient times (and, of late, in nations controlled by Nazis and Communists), Team Obama wants American artists to be in the pocket of and serving the purposes of the State. Indeed, this administration is making efforts to tie artists to partisan politics, promoting the President's pet projects.
Check out Patrick Courrielche's post at Big Hollywood describing the teleconference call in which the National Endowment for the Arts, the largest funder of the arts in the country, and other Team Obama players encouraged artists to create pro-Obama art.
Very scary stuff -- an arrogant power play designed to force from the "arts community" yet more political propaganda to drown out opposing (or even independent) views. Were a Republican administration guilty of such crass coercion, the resultant roar from the press would be heard round the world.
Here's the article. (Thanks to American Spectator's Matthew Vadum and Facebook friend Rick Pearcey for highlighting it.)