What a great celebration we had of Mom's 85th birthday yesterday! True, her actual birthday was Sunday and we took cupcakes and flowers and a case of diet soda (Mom has become a pop dispensary to staff and residents!) and spent a couple of hours. But yesterday we celebrated with the residents and staff of Life Care Center where my mom now lives.
We had asked them a couple of weeks ago about having a party of some kind and they suggested we bring along a cake for one of the regular Wednesday music socials. After the program they would then serve the cake (and ice cream they provide). That way they can control the residents' diet needs. Great -- that's what we did and it was a smashing success.
We picked the cake up early along with a Mickey Mouse birthday balloon and found Mom down in the rehab center. They escorted her to the cafeteria just as Terry Grabel started singing rock and roll songs. He was pretty good. Mom loved it and no matter how many times I told her he just happened to be the performer for that day, she was convinced I had hired him just for her birthday since he was singing the music she and I both love: Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis, Platters, Drifters, Crests, Temptations, Smokey Robinson, etc. He also led the crowd in singing "Happy Birthday" and a nice rendition of "Sixteen Candles" to Mom and the 5 or 6 others who had September birthdays.
While we all enjoyed the music, Kathy and Martha, the activity directors, cut the cake, scooped the ice cream and served us. As the staff came in from all over the building to join in the treats, they wished Mom a happy birthday and gave her plenty of hugs. Mom was reveling in the attention.
The cake disappeared, the music ended and everyone left contented. We went back to Mom's room to go through her birthday cards that came in from family (and from some of our friends that we had dropped a hint to). It was fun to see her so happy and excited.
Because of our frequency up there, we've become pretty well-acquainted with most of the staff and can testify that they are diligent, caring and very kind-hearted. And, very important, there's more of them than in just about any nursing home we've ever had ministry in. As many of you already know (and the rest can well imagine), having evidence that your loved one is receiving warm, attentive care means all the world. So, as we tell them often, I repeat in this venue that we are deeply grateful to the Life Care Center.