* The abortion mill in Bellevue was closed.
* There were encouraging reports on my Mom from therapists, the PA and the social worker.
* Mom loved the bird feeder we set up outside her window. (Could I ask for a prayer or two that the Lord direct the birds there quickly to find the delicious thistle waiting?)
* We've received many strong responses to the July LifeSharer letter. Thank you.
* Walking into the nursing home room of one of our church friends, we spotted an open copy of Randy Alcorn's Heaven. We've been studying the book on Sunday nights and, even though Judy had to go to a nursing home for rehab, she's staying with her reading! In fact, she has a therapist following along with her. Every day his first question to her is, "So, what did you learn about heaven today?" Cool.
* Blog numbers keep going up.
* We ate our second and third zucchini. These earth boxes are fun.