Friday, May 15, 2009

Ultrasound Bill Advances in Nebraska Legislature. What's Your Next Step?

Yesterday afternoon, after five hours of debate, LB 675 (which would require abortionists who perform an ultrasound in their procedures to provide opportunity for the client to view her ultrasound before an abortion is performed) advanced to second round of debate in the Nebraska Unicameral. That debate before the full Legislature will most likely take place late next week.

Nebraska Right to Life, Nebraska Family Council, and Vital Signs Ministries are among those who encourage you to make a call, send a card or zip over an e-mail to one or more of those Senators who voted to advance the bill and especially to those who have led the way for it: Senators McCoy, Fulton, Christensen, Gloor, Gay, Lautenbaugh, Hansen, and Nelson.

Contact info is right here.

Here's the breakdown from yesterday's vote:

Voting No: Senators Campbell, Council, Haar, McGill, Nantkes
Present Not Voting: Senators Avery, Cook, Howard
Excused Absent: Senators Dierks, Hadley, Louden, Wightman
Voting Yes: Senators Adams, Ashford, Carlson, Christensen, Coash, Cornett, Dubas, Fischer, Flood, Friend, Fulton, Gay, Giese, Gloor, Hansen, Harms, Heidemann, Janssen, Karpisek, Langemeier, Lathrop, Lautenbaugh, McCoy, Mello, Nelson, Nordquist, Pahls, Pankonin, Pirsch, Price, Rogert, Schilz, Stuthman, Sullivan, Utter, Wallman, and White.

LB 675, of course, doesn't prohibit abortion and therefore isn't the "end all" in our pro-life legislative advocacy. Not by a longshot. But, given the powerful and persuasive effects ultrasounds have shown to have on even abortion-prone women, I believe LB 675 could save many lives.

And, if you need more evidence to know how effective LB 675 could be in reducing abortions, keep in mind that Planned Parenthood is working very, very hard to defeat this bill.