Friday, May 15, 2009

The UK's "Voice of Older People" Is a Voice for Suicide

Joan Bakewell, Great Britain's half-baked "Voice of Older People" continues her campaign for assisted suicide and euthanasia. She writes her column, goes on TV, and promotes appearances of euthanasia advocates like Boudewijn Chabot and "Dr. Death" Philip Nitschke ("This subject must be talked about. Dr Death should have been welcomed.").

She even recommends inquirers to the internet for information on how to starve yourself to death, where to find euthanasia "guidebooks" and how to obtain the drug Nembutal from Mexican dealers.

Sweet lady.

But though she champions death as a "Final Exit" from suffering, she admits to not knowing if death is actually all that final.

She writes, "Death, of course, remains the final mystery. It remains beyond knowing: Flights of angels and trumpets sounding on the far shore? Our Day of Judgment to be weighed in the balance and found wanting? Or will it be a longed-for sleep, the end of all consciousness, life after death existing in our genes rather than beyond the Pearly Gates?"

She gives the game away there by that description of annihilation as "a longed-for sleep, the end of all consciousness." But that's not what death is. And Bakewell is...uh, excuse me..."dead wrong" in claiming that death "remains beyond knowing." Jesus explained quite clearly what death is and what lies beyond it for both the believer (eternal and incomparable blessedness) and the non-believer (don't go there!).

He also explained how to escape the sting of death; namely, by trusting Christ's sacrifice on the cross as the payment for your sins. When you do this simple act of faith, Christ's resurrection then assures your own. The grievous problem is solved.

Furthermore, that very resurrection power is available for one's life too, including the ability to withstand those trials and sufferings that the euthanasia zealots are so terribly frightened of.

Joan Bakewell is woefully ignorant about death. And because of that ignorance and her pride in wanting to control things that are not in her sphere, she has become its active ally. Let's hope and pray she gets things straight before she faces that Day of Judgment she has too lightly dismissed.