Thursday, May 14, 2009

Naw; It Ain't Vote Fraud. It's Just Ignored Votes.

Richard Baehr at American Thinker does the math:

1) 98,000 of 441,00 ballots requested by Americans overseas for the last election (primarily military personnel) were never returned.

2) Assume Minnesota's share of these unreturned ballots was proportional to its share of the U.S. population -- just over 1.7%. That would relate to some 1,700 ballots.

3) The votes allowed thus far give weirdo tax-dodger Al Franken (anything but a favorite with America's servicemen and women) a 300 vote lead over Norm Coleman. D'ya think these military ballots would have made a difference?

4) Baehr thus ask the obvious question? "Why exactly were so many ballots (over 20% of the total requested) from military personnel not received or counted?"