Thursday, May 14, 2009

AP: "The White House Plays a Little Loose with the Facts."

From the Associated Press' Fact Check series (a welcome voice of sanity from the MSM) comes a quick report about Joe Biden's first quarterly report on the nation's stimulus package.

Vice President Joe Biden uses anecdotes to paint a glowing picture of an economy on the rebound. In reality, the picture is incomplete and the colors far more muted...

But the effect of that spending is less clear. Many of the claims the White House is making are based on anecdotes selected to fit the Obama administration's message. For instance, the report cites a newspaper article about workers being rehired at a factory in Chicago. That account is true, but is no more an accurate snapshot of the nation's economy than a story, not cited in the report, about a Roanoke, Va., railcar factory closing...

In championing those successes, however, the White House plays a little loose with the facts.