Thursday, April 02, 2009

Vote! But Not Until You've Checked Out the Voters Information Packet.

You know from the yard signs that Omaha and Lincoln are gearing up for city elections. In fact, the primary is right around the corner (April 7) with the general elections just a few weeks later (Lincoln on May 5 and Omaha on May 12).

That means it's time to check out the Voters Information Packet, the most thorough vetting document you'll find and one that specifically addresses the moral issues that readers of Vital Signs blog care so deeply about.

Here it is.

I'll probably be quoting a few items from the VIP in the days ahead. But don't wait for that. Zip on over there and read what the various candidates are saying themselves (when they've answered at all) about abortion, abstinence education, crime, DOMA, gambling, and dozens of other specific issues.