Thursday, April 30, 2009

Defending Life 2009: Proven Strategies for a Pro-Life America

Jack Yoest over at Reasoned Audacity warns that the horrific dangers represented by passage of the Freedom of Choice Act remain all-too-real.

There are some 670 laws to regulate abortion in the nation. The Freedom of Choice Act or FOCA would eliminate each of these state controls on the abortion industry.

For example, if FOCA was signed into law by President Obama, non-doctors across America could do abortions:

* Any school nurse could do the abortion surgery.
* Any school nurse could do the abortion surgery in the school clinic.
* Any school nurse could do the abortion surgery on any school age girl.
* Any school nurse could do the abortion surgery on any school age girl without mom knowing.
* All abortions done by your school nurse on your little girl will be paid for with your tax dollars.

Therefore, he urges that Americans continue to pray, inform others, and pressure your political representatives regarding this extremist abortion legislation, one which would result in more preborn babies dying and, most definitely, in the moral ruin of our culture.

He also urges pro-life groups and individual pro-life lawyers to get their copy of American United for Life's latest edition of Defending Life 2009: Proven Strategies for a Pro-Life America. This publication is absolutely invaluable in not only fighting back against FOCA and Team Obama's full court press for abortion rights but also in developing proactive measures to better defend the sanctity of life.

Defending Life 2009: Proven Strategies for a Pro-Life America includes:
* In-depth discussions of key life issues and legislative opportunities;
* Model pro-life legislation developed by AUL experts; and
* Specific information on each of the 50 states, including an overall ranking of the states.

"Defending Life emphasizes the importance of life-affirming legislation and contains the necessary building blocks to move us closer to the day when every person is welcomed in life and protected in law," said Denise Burke, AUL's Vice-President of Legal Affairs and editor-in-chief.