Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The World's Worst in Persecuting Christians

1) North Korea
2) Saudi Arabia
3) Iran
4) Afghanistan
5) Somalia
6) The Maldives
7) Yemen
8) Laos
9) Somalia
10) Eritrea

The above countries make up the shameful "Top Ten" list established by Open Doors to record the worst offenders among nations which actively persecute Christians.

The World Watch List is compiled by Open Doors using 50 questions covering various aspects of religious freedom. The questions differentiate between the legal, official status of Christians (e.g. Does the constitution and/or national laws provide for freedom of religion?; Are individuals allowed to convert to Christianity by law?) and the actual situation of individual Christians (Are Christians being killed because of their faith?; Are Christians being sentenced to jail, labor camp or sent to a psychiatric hospital because of their faith?).

The questions also cover the cultural response to Christianity: Do Christians have the freedom to print and distribute Christian literature?; Are Christian publications censured or prohibited in this country?; Are Christian meeting places and/or Christian homes attacked because of anti-Christian motives?

For more on Open Doors and their work in standing with persecuted Christians, take a look at their website. And, if you'd like to read the particulars regarding the 2009 World Watch List, Open Doors has a detailed section right here.