Tuesday, February 10, 2009

With Family Breakdown Comes Social Chaos

"Chav" is a term applied to aggressive white youth of working class background in England. Usually derogatory, it especially refers to those who go for branded clothing, anti-social public behavior, and petty crime. With that understood, you can better follow Nick Britten's article, "Britain Has Produced Unteachable 'Uber-Chavs'" in yesterday's edition of the Telegraph.

And, of course, the comparison you'll make between the "chav" crisis in Great Britain and the one we're experiencing here in America with our own clueless, hopeless and disenfranchised youth is all too clear.

Britain has produced a generation of "uber-chavs" who are unteachable and unemployable, a senior teaching official has claimed.

Ralph Surman, a national executive member of the Association of Teacher and Lecturers, said a significant number of young people who were brought up by single mothers in the 1980s are now doing nothing with their lives, have no work ethic, few social skills and cause higher crime rates.

Mr Surman, a deputy head of Cantrell Primary and Nursery School in Bulwell, Nottingham, said: "We must talk about a class of uber-chavs. They are not doing anything productive and are costing taxpayers a fortune.

"It is very difficult, almost impossible, to take these people now and provide basic social and work ethic skills.
The offspring of the first big generation of single mothers were children in the 1980s. Now they are adults with their own children and the problems are leading to higher crime rates and low participation in the labour force..."