...The gargantuan spending bill now waddling through Congress is a lobbyist's dream. Do not think for a second that Democrats in Congress dreamed this up all by themselves. The principle behind it -- enlarging the government, creating more lobbyists and then robbing the taxpayers blind -- yes. This is gospel to liberals on Capitol Hill, always decked out in the language of superior morality and compassion. But the details? Please. The Congressional expertise in this area is close to zilch. Members of Congress are dependent on lobbyists for this kind of material. So they did what they always do: cranked up some blank pages on their Microsoft Word and turned to their favorite lobbyists to ask "whaddya got?" What Team Obama and Speaker Pelosi are in the middle of doing here is giving the keys to your safe deposit box (not to mention what's left of your 401k's, mutual funds or the value of your house and anything else you haven't nailed down) to their favorite lobbyists. Then sitting back and letting them ransack every last dime you have for themselves...