Monday, September 01, 2008

Joe Knows Deception Part Two: Senator Biden's Fabulous (But Fictional) Past

It's amazing what the most cursory look at easily found facts will reveal about such things as, say, a politician's record, character and ability. Case in point? Stephen Chapman just read through Joe Biden's own book and compared his statements then with ones he's making now.

Guess what? They don't fit.

But the MSM not only refuses to expose Biden's lies, exaggerations and distortions; they're doing everything they can to help sell them to the American public.

But instead of merely whining about the uneven playing field, conservatives must take proper action themselves. And among the easier things we can do are pray for justice, forward posts like this one to friends and family, write letters to editors, and keep telling people (politely and with good humor) the important truths being denied them by the old guard press