Monday, September 01, 2008

It's Not Just Sarah: John McCain Embraces "The Most Pro-Life Platform in Years"

Ken Blackwell's column does a nice job of comparing Sarah Palin's political experience and philosophy with her Democrat opponents and suggests that John McCain's selection of Governor Palin was a masterstroke that creates some very difficult problems for the Obama campaign.

But Blackwell has some other points of great significance to pro-life advocates:

...Less heralded, Mr. McCain has embraced a solidly conservative Republican Party Platform. As a platform committee vice chairman, I can attest to the document's conservative foundation. It is the most pro-life platform in national party history. And it is a sterling commitment to the sanctity of every human life.

His choice of Mrs. Palin shows his commitment to those bedrock moral principles, as she is living proof of a commitment to life...