Monday, September 15, 2008

"Emergent Church" Leaders Go in the Tank for Abortion Enthusiastic Democrats

"I think the jury is still out on young evangelicals," said Cameron Strang, editor of Relevant magazine, an influential publication for this group. "Both parties have the opportunity to address issues of deep concern for this voting bloc."

Strang, 32, has been courted by Democrat Barack Obama's campaign. He accepted an invitation to speak on a panel at the Democratic National Convention about the faith vote and attended Obama's acceptance speech.

Yet Strang said he's "more undecided than ever." He said he was encouraged by Democratic pledges to reduce the number of abortions, but now worries the party is using abortion as a wedge issue by running ads sharply contrasting Palin and Obama on abortion rights.

If this AP story is accurate in its description, then Strang turns out to be just another sad example of how weak, compromising and unfaithful is the "emergent church" movement. After all, the Bible is clear and unequivocal about the monstrous sin which is abortion. And Barack Obama and the Democrat party are (through their actions) equally clear and unequivocal about supporting and promoting abortion, even going so far as opposing informed consent laws, parental consent laws, abstinence-based education, pro-life pregnancy centers, sidewalk counseling, conscience laws, and so on.

But Strang can't make up his mind?

No, if these guys were really serious about matching their rhetoric with their actions, they'd take their vaunted claims of Christian idealism and create a third party. But they don't. They'd rather play patsy for the party of abortion. Disgusting. And deeply disappointing.

Is it because they're too lazy? Too devoid of real ideas? Is it because they're perpetual adolescents, quick to whine and posture and blame but oh-so-slow to take responsibility? Is it just because they crave being hip (according to People magazine, David Letterman or their leftist college sociology prof) more than they are intent on being holy (according to the simple teachings of Holy Writ)?

Whatever the motives, the cowardly sell-out of "neo-evangelicals" like Strang to the abortion enthusiasts who run the Democrat party is an audacious (and spiritually dangerous) act, one which reveals more than anything else that the "emergent church" movement is nothing new at all. It is merely the same old liberalism that has sought to corrupt the Church for centuries, questioning the worth of the Scriptures while holding out forbidden fruits that promise worldly power, enlightenment and independence.

It was a bad trade then. It's a bad trade now.

Let's hope Mr. Strang (to whom I'm sending a copy of this post) soon repents his casual dismissal of the holocaust of abortion and makes up his mind, allowing the Word of God to finally be foremost in his political deliberations.