Friday, September 12, 2008

26 and Counting. The Catholic Bishops Correct Nancy Pelosi.

Do you get the feeling that the Roman Catholic Church might finally be tired of playing patsy for politicians who are Catholic at mass and the fish fries but who brazenly promote such moral crimes as abortion?

If you look at the latest Nancy Pelosi affair, you'd certainly think so.

After all, the storm of criticism she's receiving from American bishops after her televised remarks denying and distorting Church teachings about abortion has been unprecedented. To date, Pelosi's grievous errors have been "corrected" not only by a comprehensive statement by the Conference of Bishops but also by 26 individual bishops from around the country!

It's been a long time coming.

It's ironic. What Speaker Pelosi wanted to do was diffuse the abortion issue for the coming elections. Instead, she actually lit the fuse as more Catholics than ever are being informed of not only the seriousness (and invariability) of Church teaching on abortion but also of the depths to which false Catholics like Pelosi, Kennedy, Biden and company will descend to manipulate and exploit Catholic voters.