Monday, July 07, 2008

Bush Was Right: Hussein's WMD Program Was All-Too-Real

Way back in March of 2006, Vital Signs Blog linked readers to a Washington Times article suggesting that, despite all the blather from Democrats and the "mainstream" press to the contrary, Saddam Hussein did have a diabolically dangerous WMD program.

The evidence for Iraq's WMD development continued to grow and, just in time for President Bush's birthday, the Associated Press ran a story that confirmed Bush's reasons to confront the murderous Saddam Hussein in the first place. The story speaks of Hussein's nuclear program, 550 metric tons of concentrated uranium (the infamous "yellowcake") at the Tuwaitha nuclear complex just south of Baghdad, and multiple devices that could be used in a nuclear weapon.

Do I hear an apology from the left?

I didn't think so.

Randall Hoven, has more details in this American Thinker piece.