Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Revolting News from the Sexual Revolution

Under the heading "Sex in the City," the Drudge Report linked to this very disturbing article from CBS describing a new study indicating more than 1 in 4 residents of New York City have genital herpes. Furthermore, NYC residents have higher rates of several other sexually transmitted diseases.

According to the study, 26% of the city residents have the virus that causes genital herpes, a painful, humiliating and highly contagious disease that has no cure. It is a disease, by the way, that also doubles a person's risk for HIV.

The study also indicated that the genital herpes rate was higher among women than men (36% compared to 19%), higher among blacks than whites (49% to 14%), and higher among homosexual men than heterosexual men (32% to 18%).

What is perhaps most disturbing, however, is the grossly irresponsible way the news story suggests the problem be handled -- by utilizing the city's free condom program!

But condom use does not at all guarantee safety from transmitting genital herpes or other diseases. This simple and glaring fact is known by everyone in the health field.

So why point to condoms? Because the obvious answer (namely, sexual responsibility, including abstinence for the non-married) is completely unacceptable to moderns. Thus, health officials simply try to slow down the climbing rate of STDs. They don't try to stop it at all. They dare not say out loud what they know to be the only solution to this health crisis.

And so more and more people contract and pass on sexually transmitted diseases. More and more suffer. More and more die. And more and more taxpayer money is wasted on counter-productive programs and lying bureaucrats.

The suicide of the West is well underway.