Thursday, June 05, 2008

Protest the Pill Day

This next Saturday (June 7) American Life League is launching a new campaign, Protest the Pill Day '08: The Pill Kills Babies. As one of the few evangelical organizations to have made opposition to the so-called birth control pill one of its hallmarks, Vital Signs Ministries applauds the ALL campaign and is very pleased to be a part.

June 7 was selected because it is the anniversary of the Griswold vs. Connecticut Supreme Court decision of 1965. The case involved a Planned Parenthood staffer illegally selling birth control pills. But the Court not only threw out her conviction, it discovered a secret "right to privacy" in the U.S. Constitution. And that heretofore hidden right (and the arrogance to trump the will of the Founding Fathers) would soon expand, creating legal cover for a whole host of sins.

Jill Stanek describes more of what Protest the Pill Day is all about, particularly the specific reason that Vital Signs Ministries has opposed the pill and similar drugs and devices for the entirety of our 25 years of existence; namely, their post-conception effects -- effects that make them abortifacients and not mere contraception.