Thursday, June 05, 2008

Bill Clinton's Rage: Does the Boy President Protest Too Much?

Emmett Tyrrell has a very interesting column in Town Hall today dealing with Bill Clinton's scathing tirade against Vanity Fair writer Todd Purdum. Tyrrell is always good when he takes on the Boy President and this column is no exception.

But Tyrrell also has some things to point out about the probable plagiarism of Mr. Purdum, specifically, how many of the incidents told in Purdum's VF article were straight out of Tyrrell's impressive book, The Clinton Crack-Up: The Boy President's Life After the White House. Yes, sad to say, journalism is home to as many unprincipled people as is politics.

And, one more thing, after reading this column, you'll probably never again use the word "scumbag" in public discourse. James Carville doesn't (after an etymological tip from Tyrrell) and I'm guessing you won't either.

As I've said before in the context of minced oaths and other words and phrases with dubious histories, it's not only proper to know what you're talking about...but to know the words with which you're talking!