Since 1937 U.S. citizens have been able to request from their Senator or Representative a U.S. flag that has flown over the U.S. Capitol, along with a certificate honoring a certain individual or event. It wasn't until a young Eagle Scout recently wanted to give a flag to his grandfather that Rep. Michael Turner (R-OH) discovered that the Architect, appointed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) earlier this year, was editing the requested wording on the certificate - strictly enforcing a 2003 ban on religious expressions on the certificates. "God" was struck from the Scout's tribute to his grandfather's "dedication and love of God, country and family." Rep. Turner first ran some "tests requests" to discover how strictly this policy was being enforced. In one request he included the Pledge of Allegiance, with the phrase "under God." That made it through. In a second request, he included the oath delivered to new members of Congress and the same two words - under God - were omitted. A number of Members of Congress have sent a letter to Speaker Pelosi requesting a reversal of this arbitrary policy. With the new supposed focus on God coming from the Speaker and her fellow Democrats one would think they would be more sensitive to such censorship.
You can read more about this incident in an article from the Washington Times.