Friday, September 14, 2007

Soviet-Style Swagger: Russia Again Invades Western Air Space

Once again, Russia is taunting the West with bold military bravado unseen since the days of the Cold War. In this latest episode, a couple of Russian "Blackjack" bombers flew into Norwegian and then British air space with appropriate responses from Norwegian and British fighter jets.

There's no doubt Vladimir Putin and the Communist government are feeling frisky and confident again. And that's bad news for the Russians, for the E.U., and for the rest of us too.

Here's the news story from AFP.

By the way, the photo in the upper left shows Mr. Putin sitting in the seat of one of the aforementioned Tupolev-160 "Blackjack" bombers. Even these recent "photo-ops" of the Russian President (fishing in the buff, practicing judo throws, armed to the teeth, sitting in the cockpits of planes and tanks, etc.) are part of a dangerous new trend of Russian gasconade. And, very likely, this show of strength is directly related to the drumbeats of defeatism that are coming from the Western media...and United States Democrats.

Look out.