Wednesday, August 01, 2007

CEDAW and Abortion: The Evidence Is In

You say you believe it when reporters, United Nations spokespersons and Democrat politicians assure you that CEDAW (the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women treaty) isn't about abortion?

Then how do you explain:

1) The CEDAW Committee's move against Colombia because the provisions of its law outlawing abortion was a violation of the rights of women to health enshrined in article 12 of CEDAW.

2) The CEDAW Committee's move against Nepal for the same reason.

3) The CEDAW Committee's move against Chile for the same reason.

4) The CEDAW Committee's move against Burkina Faso for the same reason.

5) The CEDAW Committee's move against Andora for the same reason.

6) The CEDAW Committee's move against Burundi for the same reason.

7) The CEDAW Committee's move against Portugal for the same reason.

8) The CEDAW Committee's move against Uruguay for the same reason.

9) The CEDAW Committee's move against Brazil for the same reason.

10) The CEDAW Committee's move against Paraguay for the same reason.

And the list goes on: Spain, Poland, Australia, Thailand, South Africa, Samoa, Ireland, Mexico, Croatia, Peru, and Zimbabwe, Italy...

As Sonnie Ekwowusi in Lagos, Nigeria explains in this op-ed piece published at From the foregoing, the unmistakable deduction is that CEDAW is another smokescreen to legalize abortion and sterilization of women in the countries that agree to ratify and domesticate it in order to reduce the population those countries by force.

Undeniably, CEDAW contains some laudable articles. But from the above examples, you can see that no country that has ratified and domesticated CEDAW has remained free without subsequently legalizing abortion and other bad things. We must be discerning enough to understand the prevailing international politics and conspiracy to undo Africa...

Read the article in its entirety here.